Borderlands 3 – How to get or Farm Sand Hawk


Sand Hawk is a returning Legendary sniper Rifle from Borderlands 2, which can now be farmed in Bl3. In this guide, we will show you the Drop location for it and how you can farm or get it.

But You need to make sure you are at Mayhem mode 6 or Higher. This comes after the Mayhem 2.0 patch so carry your best vault hunter builds to make the grind easier.

How to get Sand Hawk (Drop Location)

  • The Boss you want to farm is Katagawa Jr.
  • He is Located on Atlas HQ in Promethea.
  • Here is the exact map location for Katagawa Jr. :
katagawa jr sand hawk farm location bl3 guides
  • Make sure to save the game before entering the farm location, to make the grind easier.
  • Sand Hawk can be farmed at Mayhem 6 or higher (Mayhem 2.0 patch). So make sure you amp up the mayhem level to 6 or beyond. The higher the Mayhem Level the more chance of getting the weapon.

Sand Hawk Weapon stats


The red text reads “Wedge a pig.”

Sand Hawk Weapon Overview

It is a DAHL weapon, which can drop in any elements in-game. The weapon comes in Full-Auto, Semi-Auto, and Burst Fire modes. Out of these 3, we found the Semi-Auto to be more precise and accurate.

The unique part about the weapon is that it shoots bullets in the shape of a bird which flaps its wing once. The weapon is very good when it comes down to crowd control. Make sure you are carrying a build with ammo regen or you have arrangements for ammo. That is because the weapon can eat up a lot while using it.

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The weapon also excels in Singling out Bosses and melting them. From Graveward to Captain Traunt, all the way to Katagawa Ball, you can melt these bosses with the correct builds. One suggestion will be to use it with the Fl4K Crit build. If we ignore the range of bullets, given that it is a sniper, and the ammo management, it is a Monster of a weapon to use and carry as a main weapon.

In conclusion, it is a beast of a weapon when paired with the correct build and fire type. And definitely a contender for your valuable loadout for high level plays. With that being said, we shall end this guide on getting or farming the Sand hawk legendary Sniper Rifle in Borderlands 3. Your Questions/suggestions are welcome in the comments below.

That is all!

Last Updated on December 19, 2020

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