This guide is a complete list of all character AI setups you can do for Mortal Kombat (MK): 11. In this game, the basic knowledge of setting up or building AI, for AI vs AI battles and towers, becomes important to get those coveted rewards. In such situations, the right proportions of Skill points/Behaviour will either make or break the fight.
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– This Post Has Been Updated Recently!
MK 11 AI Build Setup Guide (Updated Nov. 30, 2021)
So, in this guide, I will help you to arrange and/or distribute the skill points provided by the game to fine-tune your AI for such situations to get the most out of them. Expand the table of contents below, to see the full list.
How To Use/Enable The AI in MK11 ⇓
After entering the Battle screen on Konquer tile, and picking a tower to fight with, select a character and you will see an option to toggle AI ON or OFF. Simply hit the indicated key to toggle the AI on and you should be good to go.
For AI battles, as the name suggests you will already have them equipped so select them straight away and get to battle with others. Basically, you can customize AI in the Kustomize tab in MK11 and go over to the Character Tile, and then tab over to the Abilities Tab.
How To Use a Preset in MK11 ⇓
- To select the given pre-sets below, Go to the Abilities Tab and Select the option “USE A PRESET” as shown below:

MK 11: AI Build Setup Guide + Character List⏬
- Click on the Underlined pre-set names below, to view images
- I sorted the list in alphabetical order for ease of reading. Expand the Table of contents by clicking “show” above.
- For ease of searching, use the table of the content above, or press CTRL+F on your desktop and search for a specific word.

- AI Behavior: 3 Grappling / 3 Rushdown / 27 Kombos / 27 Reversal
- Abilities: Gutted / Baraka Barrage
- AI Behavior: 3 Grappling / 3 Rushdown / 27 Kombos / 27 Reversal
- Abilities: Blood Lunge / Spine Burst
- AI Behavior: 3 Grappling / 3 Rushdown / 27 Kombos / 27 Reversal

- AI Behavior: 3 Grappling / 27 Kombos / 30 Reversal
- Abilities: (Air) Bullet Barrage / Kneecappin’ / Flippin’ Out
- AI Behavior: 3 Grappling / 27 Kombos / 30 Reversal
- Abilities: BLB-118 Energy Burst / Shoulder Charge
- AI Behavior: 2 Grappling / 2 Rushdown / 23 Kombos / 30 Reversal / 2 Zoning / 1 Runaway
The Mixup
- AI Behavior: 3 Grappling / 27 Kombos / 30 Reversal
- Abilities: Kneecappin’/Shoulder Charge/BLB-118 Bitchin’ Bubble

- AI Behavior: 2 Grappling / 5 Rushdown / 23 Kombos / 30 Reversal
- Abilities: Earthquake / Delay Boulder Bash / Shattering Boulder
- AI Behavior: 10 Grappling / 20 Kombos / 25 Reversal / 5 Zoning
- Abilities: Geyser / H2 P0rt
- AI Behavior: 5 Grappling / 5 Rushdown / 30 Kombos / 20 Reversal
Avatar State
- AI Behavior: 2 Grappling / 25 Kombos / 25 Reversal / 8 Zoning
- Abilities: Earthquake/H2 P0rt/Deadly Winds

- AI Behavior: 6 Grappling / 27 Kombos / 27 Reversal
- Abilities: (Air) Ticking Time Bug / Strepsiptera / Parasite
- AI Behavior: 6 Grappling / 27 Kombos / 27 Reversal
- Abilities: Widow’s Kiss / Strepsiptera
- AI Behavior: 6 Grappling / 27 Kombos / 27 Reversal
Brood Motha
- AI Behavior: 6 Grappling / 27 Kombos / 27 Reversal
- Abilities: Parasite/Flippin’ Out/Deadly Swarm

- AI Behavior: 2 Grappling / 7 Rushdown / 23 Kombos / 28 Reversal
- Abilities: Enhanced Locked and Loaded / Outworld Gunslinger / Scud Shot
- AI Behavior: 18 Rushdown / 12 Kombos / 30 Reversal
- Abilities: Cattle Toss / TNT Toss / Enhanced Rattle Snake Slide
- AI Behavior: 12 Grappling / 9 Rushdown / 21 Kombos / 18 Reversal
- AI Behavior: 18 Rushdown / 12 Kombos / 30 Reversal

- AI Behavior: 6 Grappling / 4 Kombos / 30 Reversal / 20 Zoning
- Abilities: Cryogenic Crown / Arctic Barrage
- AI Behavior: 6 Grappling / 3 Rushdown / 27 Kombos
- Abilities: Auger Lunge / Glacier Calving / Microburst
- AI Behavior: 6 Grappling / 3 Rushdown / 24 Kombos / 27 Reversal
Glacial Grooves
- AI Behavior: 20 Reversal / 30 Zoning / 10 Runaway
- Abilities: Ice Auger, Glacier Calving, Core Overload
- AI Behaviour: 9 Grappling / 21 Rushdown / 27 Kombos / 3 Reversal
- AI Behaviour: 9 Grappling / 21 Rushdown / 27 Kombos / 3 Reversal
- AI Behaviour: 3 Grappling / 21 Kombos / 27 Reversal / 6 Zoning / 3 Runaway
Wind Chill
- AI Behaviour: 15 Kombos / 30 Reversal / 12 Zoning / 3 Runaway
- Abilities: Pressure Bomb, Warped Needle, Jet Stream

Balanced Build: 22 Grappling /13 Rushdown /20 Kombos /5 Reversal
- AI Behavior: 9 Grappling / 3 Rushdown / 18 Kombos / 27 Reversal / 3 Zoning
- Abilities: Stepping It Back / Sand Pillar
- AI Behavior: 6 Grappling / 24 Kombos / 27 Reversal / 3 Zoning
- Abilities: Quick Sand / Gauntlet Of The Ages / Bed Of Spikes
- AI Behavior: 6 Grappling / 24 Kombos / 27 Reversal / 3 Zoning
Hand of Time
- AI Behavior: 22 Grappling /13 Rushdown /20 Kombos / 5 Reversal
- Abilities: Reawakened, Shifting Sands

- AI Behavior: 8 Grappling / 2 Rushdown / 20 Kombos / 30 Reversal
- Abilities: Lethal Clinch / Cybernetic Override / Robo Grappler
- AI Behavior: 14 Rushdown / 6 Kombos / 30 Reversal / 10 Zoning
- Abilities: Grenade Launcher / (Air) Dive Bomb / Tech-Dome
- AI Behavior: 3 Grappling / 3 Rushdown / 27 Kombos / 27 Reversal
Snitchy Stitches
- AI Behavior: 8 Grappling / 2 Rushdown / 20 Kombos / 30 Reversals
- Abilities: Lethal Clinch, Hyper Knee, Robo Grappler

- AI Behavior: 3 Grappling / 21 Kombos / 21 Reversal / 9 Zoning / 6 Runaway
- Abilities: Upward Razor-Rang / Edenian Spark / (Air) Razor-Rang
- AI Behavior: 6 Grappling / 9 Rushdown / 24 Kombos / 21 Reversal
- Abilities: Pole Vault / Pole Vault Cancel / Amplify Blazing Nitro Kick
- AI Behavior: 8 Grappling / 2 Rushdown / 20 Kombos / 30 Reversal
Wiggle Stick
- AI Behavior: 3 Grappling / 3 Rushdown / 27 Kombos / 27 Reversal
- Abilities: Deadly Assassin, Pole Vault, Upward Razor-Rang

- AI Behavior: 8 Grappling / 2 Rushdown / 20 Kombos / 30 Reversal
- Abilities: Duck and Weave / Briggs Barricade / Ripped
- AI Behavior: 22 Grappling / 13 Rushdown / 20 Kombos / 5 Reversal
- Abilities: Quad Grab / Burning Hammer / Expert Grappler
- AI Behavior: 3 Grappling / 3 Rushdown / 27 Kombos / 27 Reversal

- AI Behavior: 3 Grappling / 3 Rushdown / 27 Kombos / 27 Reversal
- Abilities: Mime Time / Brass Knuckles / Caged Rage
- AI Behavior: 3 Grappling / 3 Rushdown / 27 Kombos / 27 Reversal
- Abilities: Say Cheese / Throwing Shades
- AI Behavior: 3 Grappling / 3 Rushdown / 27 Kombos / 27 Reversal

- AI Behavior: 7 Grappling / 3 Rushdown / 19 Kombos / 30 Reversal / 1 Zoning
- Abilities: Batsy-Poo Cancel, Batsy Pew pew, Puppet Parry
- AI Behavior: 7 Grappling / 3 Rushdown / 20 Kombos / 30 Reversal
- Abilities: Jack in the Box, Jumping Jester
- AI Behavior: 6 Grappling / 3 Rushdown / 27 Kombos / 24 Reversal
- Abilities: KAPOW, Getting Lit

- AI Behavior: 25 Rushdown / 25 Kombos / 5 Reversal / 5 Zoning or 30 Kombos / 10 Reversal / 20 Zoning
- Abilities: Rolling Buzzsaw / (Air) Straight Buzzin’ / Dash Cancel
- AI Behavior: 3 Grappling / 3 Rushdown / 27 Kombos / 27 Reversal
- Abilities: Low Hook Grab / Nomad Spin / Extended Hook
- AI Behavior: 3 Grappling / 3 Rushdown / 27 Kombos / 27 Reversal

- AI Behavior: 3 Grappling / 3 Rushdown / 27 Kombos / 27 Reversal
- Abilities: Lumbar Check / Rack Off / Manhandled
- AI Behavior: 2 Grappling / 6 Rushdown / 13 Kombos / 30 Reversal / 9 Zoning
- Abilities: Vege-Mighty / Molotov Cocktail / Chemical Burn
- AI Behavior: 3 Grappling / 3 Rushdown / 27 Kombos / 27 Reversal

- AI Behavior: 20 Grapplng / 15 Rushdown / 20 Kombos / 5 Zoning or 12 Grappling / 15 Kombos / 12 Reversal / 12 Zoning / 9 Runaway
- Abilities: (Air) Fan Flutter / Ground War / Royal Protection
- AI Behavior: 10 Kombos / 10 Reversal / 20 Zoning / 20 Runaway or 12 Grappling / 15 Kombos / 12 Reversal / 12 Zoning / 9 Runaway
- Abilities: Half-Blood Stance / Edenian Razors
- AI Behavior: 2 Rushdown / 28 Kombos / 28 Reversal / 2 Zoning or 12 Grappling / 15 Kombos / 12 Reversal / 12 Zoning / 9 Runaway

- AI Behavior: 10 Grappling / 3 Rushdown / 25 Kombos / 21 Reversal / 1 Zoning
- Abilities: Up Demonic Mace / Demonic Clutch / Fade Out
- AI Behavior: 3 Grappling / 24 Kombos / 24 Reversal / 6 Zoning / 3 Runaway
- Abilities: Bag Bomb / Vial Of Sorrow / Demonic Comet
- AI Behavior: 8 Grappling / 3 Rushdown / 27 Kombos / 21 Reversal / 1 Zoning

- AI Behavior: 9 Grappling / 3 Rushdown / 27 Kombos / 18 Reversal / 3 Zoning
- Abilities: HuehHueyi / God Ray / Kahn-Cut
- AI Behavior: 9 Grappling / 6 Rushdown / 21 Kombos / 21 Reversal / 3 Zoning
- Abilities: Eztli Totem / Tecuani Maul / (Air) Tecuani Pounce
- AI Behavior: 9 Grappling / 6 Rushdown / 21 Kombos / 21 Reversal / 3 Zoning

- AI Behavior: 3 Grappling / 3 Rushdown / 27 Kombos / 27 Reversal
- Abilities: Orbiting Hat / Omega Hat
- AI Behavior: 3 Grappling / 3 Rushdown / 27 Kombos / 27 Reversal
- Abilities: Guided Hat / Z Hat / (Air) Teleport
- AI Behavior: 3 Grappling / 3 Rushdown / 27 Kombos / 27 Reversal

- AI Behavior: 3 Grappling / 3 Rushdown / 27 Kombos / 27 Reversal
- Abilities: Shaolin Stance / Low Fireball / Dragon Parry
- AI Behavior: 3 Grappling / 3 Rushdown / 27 Kombos / 27 Reversal
- Abilities: Energy Parry / Dragon Fire / Dragon’s Gifts
Dragon’s Breath
- AI Behavior: 3 Grappling / 3 Rushdown / 27 Kombos / 27 Reversal

- AI Behaviour: 6 Rushdown / 24 Kombos / 20 Reversal / 10 Zoning
- AI Behaviour: 14 Grappling / 4 Rushdown / 20 Kombos / 20 Reversal / 2 Zoning
- AI Behaviour: 25 Kombos / 30 Reversal / 5 Zoning

- AI Behavior: 6 Grappling / 24 Kombos / 30 Reversal
- AI Behavior: 12 Grappling / 3 Rushdown / 21 Kombos / 24 Reversal
- AI Behavior: 6 Grappling / 6 Rushdown / 21 Kombos / 27 Reversal

- AI Behavior: 6 Grappling / 3 Rushdown / 24 Kombos / 27 Reversal
- Abilities: Ghostball / (Air) Tele-Slam / Shadowslide
- AI Behavior: 3 Grappling / 30 Kombos / 27 Reversal
- Abilities: Spirit Ball / Shadow Portals / (Air) Sickle Port
- AI Behavior: 9 Grappling / 6 Rushdown / 24 Kombos / 21 Reversal

- AI Behavior: 3 Grappling / 3 Rushdown / 27 Kombos / 27 Reversal
- Abilities: Sparkport / Storm Cell
- AI Behavior: 5 Rushdown / 15 Kombos / 10 Reversal / 20 Zoning / 10 Runaway
- Abilities: Electric Burst / Quick Charge / Electric Current
- AI Behavior: 5 Rushdown / 15 Kombos / 10 Reversal / 20 Zoning / 10 Runaway

- AI Behavior: 4 Grappling / 30 Kombos / 20 Reversal / 6 Zoning
- AI Behavior: 6 Grappling / 27 Kombos / 27 Reversal
- AI Behavior: 27 Kombos / 27 Reversal / 6 Zoning

- AI Behavior: 4 Grappling / 27 Kombos / 27 Reversal / 2 Zoning
- AI Behavior: 3 Grappling / 20 Kombos / 27 Reversal / 10 Zoning
- AI Behavior: 14 Grappling / 23 Kombos / 23 Reversal

- AI Behavior: 9 Grappling / 9 Rushdown / 12 Kombos / 30 Reversal
- AI Behaviour: 6 Grappling / 12 Kombos / 30 Reversal / 9 Zoning / 3 Runaway or 9 Grappling / 6 Rushdown / 12 Kombos / 30 Reversal / 3 Zoning
- AI Behaviour: 9 Grappling / 12 Rushdown / 9 Kombos / 30 Reversal or 9 Grappling / 6 Rushdown / 12 Kombos / 30 Reversal / 3 Zoning

- AI Behaviour: 12 Grappling / 15 Rushdown / 21 Kombos / 12 Reversal
- Abilities: Hell Port Cancel / Demon Slam
- AI Behaviour: 12 Grappling / 15 Rushdown / 21 Kombos / 12 Reversal
- Abilities: Death Spin / Death Spear Combo / Burning Spear
- AI Behaviour: 12 Grappling / 18 Rushdown / 18 Kombos / 12 Reversal

- AI Behaviour: 3 Grappling / 24 Kombos / 24 Reversal / 6 Zoning / 3 Runaway
- AI Behaviour: 3 Grappling / 6 Rushdown / 21 Kombos / 27 Reversal / 3 Zoning
- AI Behaviour: 3 Grappling / 6 Rushdown / 27 Kombos / 24 Reversal

- AI Behavior: 6 Grappling / 9 Rushdown / 24 Kombos / 21 Reversal
- Abilities: Annihilation / Ground Shatter / Up Wrath Hammer
- AI Behavior: 6 Grappling / 9 Rushdown / 24 Kombos / 21 Reversal
- Abilities: Skewered / Spear Charge / Ridicule
- AI Behavior: 9 Grappling / 21 Kombos / 30 Reversal

- AI Behaviour: 7 Grappling / 2 Rushdown / 26 Kombos / 24 Reversal / 1 Zoning
- AI Behaviour: 6 Grappling / 2 Rushdown / 27 Kombos / 24 Reversal / 1 Zoning
- AI Behaviour: 9 Grappling / 6 Rushdown / 27 Kombos / 18 Reversal

General Kombo
- AI Behaviour: 3 Rushdown / 30 Kombos / 25 Reversal / 2 Zoning
- AI Behaviour: 6 Grappling / 27 Kombos / 27 Reversal
- AI Behaviour: 9 Grappling / 18 Kombos / 27 Reversal / 6 Zoning
- AI Behaviour: 6 Grappling / 12 Kombos / 27 Reversal / 9 Zoning / 6 Runaway

- AI Behaviour: 9 Grappling / 3 Rushdown / 21 Kombos / 27 Reversal
- Abilities: Dagger Stance / Bloodport / Blood Ritual
- AI Behavior: 3 Grappling / 18 Kombos / 21 Reversal / 12 Zoning / 6 Runaway
- Abilities: Blood Flow / Cell Siphon
- AI Behaviour: 9 Grappling / 6 Rushdown / 24 Kombos / 21 Reversal

- AI Behavior: 3 Grappling / 3 Rushdown / 27 Kombos / 27 Reversal
- Abilities: (Air)Ops Drop / Krushing Kounters / (Air) Marching Orders
- AI Behavior: 10 Grappling / 10 Rushdown / 15 Kombos / 15 Reversal / 8 Zoning / 2 Runaway or 5 Grappling / 20 Kombos / 10 Reversal / 20 Zoning / 5 Runaway
- Abilities: Energy Rings Charge / (Air) Downward Energy Rings / K.A.T. Turret Drop
- AI Behavior: 4 Grappling / 10 Kombos / 23 Reversal / 18 Zoning / 5 Runaway

- AI Behavior: 3 Grappling / 21 Kombos / 30 Reversal / 6 Runaway
- Abilities: Gun Blazing, Blaze of Glory, (Air) Fallen Angel
- AI Behavior: 3 Grappling / 3 Rushdown / 27 Kombos / 27 Reversal
- Abilities: Charging Hellspawn, Leetha Glide
- AI Behavior: 12 Grappling / 3 Rushdown / 18 Kombos / 27 Reversal
- Abilities: Hell Chain, Raising Hell, Lethal Leetha Stance

- AI Behavior: 6 Grappling / 30 Kombos / 24 Reversal
- Abilities: Deep Freeze / Cold Shoulder
- AI Behavior: 6 Grappling / 3 Rushdown / 27 Kombos / 24 Reversal
- Abilities: Frigid Storm / Death-Cicle Barrage / (Air) Polar Axe
- AI Behavior: 6 Grappling / 30 Kombos / 24 Reversal

- AI Behavior: 3 Grappling / 3 Rushdown / 27 Kombos / 27 Reversal
- AI Behavior: 3 Grappling / 3 Rushdown / 27 Kombos / 27 Reversal
- AI Behavior: 3 Grappling / 3 Rushdown / 27 Kombos / 27 Reversal
I will update this post as we find out more about new pre-sets and characters. This post is still a work in progress. This contains all the latest updates including the MK11 Ultimate edition as well.
I hope that this Mortal Kombat 11: AI Build Setup Complete Guide will help you get going with the AI builds and battles and make your grind and fights a bit easier.
Drop a comment down below if it was of some help. Suggestive comments are also appreciated.
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You can submit them here. Thanks for reading!
Last Updated on November 5, 2024

A computer science graduate by qualification, Zoid loves to keep himself updated with the latest gaming content related to PC, Android, and other platforms as well. Likes to keep his diet and health in check from time to time!
There is a new third preset added are you going to cover it?
We have updated the AI build list as per the 3rd presets. you can check them out from the same AI build link.
Rambo, Mileena, and Rain. Are they really all the same builds for all 3 pre-sets? Or are you just in the process of updating them?
This is just an interim build. I am yet to update the abilities and test a few ai. For the time being these should work fine.
Sindel and joker?
We will be updating that very soon.
The update is now complete. You can check the new AI Setup with Joker and Sindel. Due to the changes in the presets of Joker, its images for the AI behavior will be updated soon.
Anything for Mileena, Rain and Rambo yet?
Yes, we have updated the post with Mileena, Rain, and Rambo Behaviors. We will soon update it with abilities and images for them as well. For the time being, AI Behavior should be enough to get you started. Check the table of content for these characters.
The Robocop Prime Detective preset only equals 50. What about the last 10?
Ah thanks for pointing that out! The Reversal should be 30 instead of 20. I have now updated the post. it should be all good now.
I don’t think your configurations are any good. By default the game has a well rounded player in 15 in the grappling rush down kombos and reversal categories. When you start going off into the zoning an runaway areas they start doing funny things. If you adjust the AI settings in the top 4 categories the fighters will execute all if not most of the moves without using combos that dont connect and making special moves that don’t make sense.
I’ve found most characters do very well with this method. 20 rushdown 20 combos and 20 reversal.
Using this method for me the fighters will use all of the moves, execute zoning attacks and throws.
They will beat most opponents even if you dont have any augments equipped and use modifiers.
If you have a character that somehow uses a move out of sync I just normally reduce the rushdown and allocate more to grappling kombos or reversal.
If you distrubute one AI point to zoning or runaway even if you have 30 kombos it completely throws your fighter out of whack and can get their ass beat in matches often on very hard levels.
Good post but I dont agree with your configurations.
Do these work well as the last comment by FOURTYWATER9 seems to think otherwise?
I ask as I have just got the game and in process of setting up AI characters just for taking on Friends teams of 3 (not for towers etc)
You can use either config and see what works best for you. I personally use these to climb towers. As for the versus friend, I think these should do well. If you feel it is not working for you, you can try his suggestion as well. I am always open to any constructive criticism or thoughts.
Just 30 combo and 30 Reversal with everyone and you’ll be good.
No need for a list.
That is what worked for me for quite some time now. I have not updated the list to be very honest. If you are finding these stats not effective, let me know. I will test out separate combos and update them.
Very good work. Thx
Glad that you liked the work!
All these settings are great and in many cases, 30 combos and 30 Reversal will work except that not everyone is built to perform best with those settings.
My 4 main players settings are best against a 30/30 player and it has helped me win 372 Ai wins in a row (PS4)
Thanks for sharing your insight! If you can share the settings, I will put them up with credits. That is entirely up to you. Thanks for letting us know about your experience with the AI settings. 🙂
Lol “fitness enthusiast” yeah right pal
Very good tips. Thank you, dude, really. My Sindel sets are so much strong ! It’s too easy to automatically farm her character tower and earn all rewards (skins, brutalities, taunts …). I gonna do the same thing with Shao and Sheeva, I think.
I am glad this guide helped you out
I’ve just finished her Tower today.