Borderlands 3 – How to farm or get Soulrender

Wondering how can you get the Legendary DAHL Rifle called Soulrender in Borderlands 3? Well, look no further as we have you covered in this article. We will briefly go over where you can farm this weapon, along with its overview and stats. But before proceeding with the guide,  make sure you own the Guns, Love, and Tentacles DLC.

How to get The Soulrender in BL3

Soulrender Dedicated Drop Location

  • The enemies that drop the Soulrender are TOM and XAM.
  • They are located in Heart’s Desire, on Xylourgos.
  • Fast Travel to Heart’s Desire – What beats Beneath.
  • Here is the map location for TOM and XAM:
  • Spawn at the given location, go out the first gate, and drop down towards your left. You will find Tom and Xam there.
  • Make sure you kill both of them to make the drop chance more.
  • They have decent health bars, so go with your best loadouts for the farm.

Soulrender Weapon Stats

FIRE RATE13.29/s

The red text states “Picture a soul. Now REND that thing!”. The weapon is of DAHL origin and it can come in any random elements. The weapon can drop in Semi-Auto, Full-Auto, and Burst Fire Modes. The preferable drop will be an anointed one with Full-Auto/Burst Fire or Semi-Auto toggle options.

Soulrender usage and overview

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The unique part of the weapon is the Honing purple skulls which randomly spawn from the weapon, while you shoot. The spawn rate of the skulls is random, and they deal splash damage to enemies. Keep in mind that since they deal splash damage, you can also inflict self-damage if they are near you.

The skulls do elemental damage based on the weapon element (Fire for Fire Soulrender and so forth). They usually hone into the critical spots of the enemies, even when you miss your shots. Also, if the Massive bosses do not show up as red dots on your map, it means the skulls will not spawn for you. An Example of this will be Graveward.

The recoil is fairly low, the bullet damage is decent, and it can be used, especially to kill the annoying flying enemies. An overall great weapon to keep as a main in its current state.

Special Notes

  • The Soulrender cannot spawn with the “On action skill end – Splash Damage is increased by 200%”, despite the skulls dealing splash damage.
  • Hotfix 12/17/2020: Skulls deal 20x base damage, instead of 2x base damage.


Along with the weapon’s high damage, the homing skulls give the Soulrender a massive damage output against single targets, as each skull deals 20x the base damage of the weapon. The skulls usually target the enemy being shot, but may sometimes target separate opponents, giving it some crowd control abilities. A version of the gun with full-auto mode is the best for getting the most skulls to spawn.

With that, we will conclude this guide on farming or getting the Soulrender Legendary Rifle in Borderlands 3. Your questions/queries/suggestions are welcome in the comments below. That will be all. Thanks for reading!


Last Updated on November 5, 2021

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