Destiny 2: How To Begin and Finish Winter Night Quest

The Winter Night quest is the second one you will encounter while playing the Dawning Event 2023 in Destiny 2. As you begin with the normal delivery of stuff for Eva Levante, this second quest will come up with snowball fights against aliens.

This quest is available after some time of the main one, Cookie Delivery Helper, which will have you bringing your baked cookies to different characters. However, Winter Night will be more fighting-based and will have deaths on either side.

Destiny 2: How To Begin and Finish Winter Night Quest

To begin the Winter Night quest, players have to finish the first quest for Eva Levante which will give you the Holiday Oven along with unlocking all the Event Challenges.

Once that is done, you will have to bide your time till a new Milestone shows up on your screen alongside the other quest during the Dawning Event 2023. In case it does not show up with the quest, you can wait for it to come up on its own.

There are two steps to this Winter Knight quest. It is not a short quest so you will have to be patient and work your way through it in the Dawning Event 2023.

The initial step is to take out 75 enemies with the normal Long Winter Snowball final hits, 25 enemies with the upgraded Stay Frost Snowball final strikes, and deliver a single Classic Butter Cookie.

To overcome enemies using the two different kinds of Snowball final blows, you will have to participate in an activity and find the Snowballs to spawn before using the same to defeat the enemies.

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Destiny 2 - Winter Night snowballs

You can create the Classic Butter Cookie by using the Holiday Oven received from Eva Levante. It requires one Taken Butter, one Superb Texture, and 15 Dawning Spirit.

Players will need to get it to Eva Levante as well. While this is just the start of the Winter Night quest, there are some further steps to be followed to complete it.

Obtaining Upgraded Snowball

To get their hands on the Upgraded Snowballs, players have to collect Dawning Spirit and buy the upgrades from Eva Levante.

They cost 20 Dawning Spirit and that is why, you are advised to play through as many activities as possible and other quests to collect the normal Snowball final blows.

After you have got a lot of Dawning Spirit, players can visit Eva Levante to get the upgrade and finish the Winter Night quest fast.

Thus, that is all the information players will need when it comes to completing Winter Night during the Dawning Event 2023. The Snowballs add Christmas and winter feels to the whole event so you are bound to enjoy this nice change of pace from the usual stuff.

Last Updated on December 14, 2023

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