Alan Wake 2 – How To Find The Shotgun Code

Embarking on the thrilling journey in Alan Wake 2, players encounter a pivotal moment when discovering the shotgun padlocked away in the general store.

To unleash its power, you must decipher the mysterious code guarding it. This comprehensive guide takes you through the intricate process of locating the code and obtaining the coveted shotgun, your ultimate ally against the terrifying Taken.

How to Find the Shotgun Code in Alan Wake 2

In Alan Wake 2, players can unlock a powerful shotgun hidden in the general store by deciphering a mysterious code. The journey begins with a clue directing you to “Lady Fortuna at the counter.”

Investigating the store, you find numbers on a notepad and a lotto ticket, realizing the code (739) after careful deduction. Inputting the code grants access to the shotgun and an achievement.

Keep an eye out for Alan Wake 2 lunch boxes to enhance your arsenal further. Armed with the shotgun, players are ready to face the darkness in this thrilling adventure.

Here’s a step-by-step detailed explanation:

The Cryptic Clue Beckons

Your quest begins within the dimly lit confines of the general store. As you explore, your eyes fall upon a lockbox containing the precious shotgun. Perched on the lockbox, a cryptic post-it note captures your attention: “Check with Lady Fortuna at the counter.”

This enigmatic message acts as your guiding light, leading you to the front counter of the store.

Navigating to the Heart of the Store

Guided by the post-it note’s instruction, you go to the front counter, where a sign expressing gratitude for your patronage greets you.

Circling the counter, you encounter a notepad and a vintage Rolodex, hinting at the store’s history and secrets.

Decoding the Clues

Upon inspecting the notepad, you discover a sequence of numbers: 705, 713, 717, and 723. These numbers, crossed out with an intriguing note urging an “update code,” pique your curiosity.

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Adjacent to the notepad lies a lotto ticket displaying the numbers 05, 13, 17, 23, 39, and 45. A pattern emerges: following 23, the following number is 39.

A closer examination reveals that each number on the lotto ticket features a 7 as its prefix. Applying this insight, you can deduce that the shotgun’s padlock code is 739.

Triumph in Unlocking the Shotgun

Empowered with the knowledge of the code (739), you return to the lockbox. With steady hands, you input the code, the digits aligning perfectly.

The padlock yields, granting you access to the shotgun’s might. The satisfying click resonates through the store, marking your victory. Not only have you secured a potent weapon, but you have also achieved the ‘Bring It’ achievement, acknowledging your mastery of this intricate puzzle.

Mastering Your Arsenal with Alan Wake 2 Lunch Boxes

As you continue your odyssey through Alan Wake 2, keep a keen eye out for special items—Alan Wake 2 lunch boxes. These invaluable treasures harbor secrets to enhance your weapon’s capabilities.

By collecting and utilizing these lunch boxes, you can further augment your arsenal, ensuring you’re prepared for the challenges that lurk in the darkness.

Embrace Your Role as a Protector

Armed with the shotgun and a deep understanding of the store’s secrets, you are now prepared to face the malevolent forces that threaten your world.

The shotgun becomes not just a weapon but a symbol of your resilience and determination. As you venture forth, remember your journey in deciphering the code, a testament to your ingenuity and bravery.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully cracked the code, unlocked the shotgun, and earned a significant advantage in Alan Wake 2. Now, go forth and face the shadows with confidence, armed with your newfound weapon and knowledge.

May your adventures in Alan Wake 2 be filled with triumphs, and may the shotgun serve as your steadfast companion in the battle against the shadows. Happy gaming!

Last Updated on October 29, 2023

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