Aliens: Fireteam Elite | How To Adjust FOV And Disable Vignette

This guide shows you how to adjust the FOV and disable the Vignette effect which makes the edges of your screen dark, in the game Aliens: Fireteam Elite. This game has been launched on Steam on the 24th of August of this year and is set to be a cult hit.

If you are a fan of the Aliens franchise and need to make the above adjustments then this guide is definitely for you. Let’s check it out. WARNING: This post contains a guide to a third-party DLL.

Even though it is tested as safe so far, I highly Advise user’s discretion while using it. If you feel the risk of not using it, simply don’t!

How To Adjust FOV/Disable Vignette In Aliens: Fireteam Elite

How To Adjust FOV aliens game

How To Adjust FOV in Alien Fire Team

Download the Universal Unreal Engine 4 Unlocker v3.0.19 and extract the files into a folder that you have access to.
  • Start Aliens: Fireteam Elite and click on “Continue Game” from the menu. Run the UuuClient.exe from the Universal Unreal Engine 4 Unlocker.
  • Select the Aliens: Fireteam Elite process and click Inject the DLL.
  • The window will now change. Go back into the game and open the console using the tilde “`” key.
  • It’s located above the tab and on the left side of number 1.
  • If you have a different keyboard configuration, you can change the key in the Configuration section in Unreal Engine Unlocker.
  • You can change the FOV by using the ‘fov xxx’ command.
Please note, you have to do the above process at the start of every mission as it resets back to default, as well as every time you start Aliens: Fireteam Elite.
But this method may have a side effect for some users. When you change the FOV with it, you may have a no-scope approach.
This game does not have an anti-cheat, so you won’t be banned for doing this. Though the devs have said they’re aware of the need for a FOV slider, so you probably will get it soon officially.
Let us hope they separate it by standard FOV and aiming FOV.

Non-English/Foreign Language Keyboard

As a side note to this fix, if you use a non-English/foreign language keyboard or any other that is not supported, The Tilde key will not work to open the console in-game.
You just have to add a US keyboard layout in Windows and get around it that way. If you are faced with a situation like this you can also try setting the console key in the game’s ini files.
You can also alternatively, add a custom console key to the game’s ini file. This doesn’t always work, but it’s worth a shot if you want to use another key than what is available in the menu.
Follow these steps:
  • In explorer go to: C:\users\<your username>\AppData\Local\<game name>\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor
  • and open Input.ini. Add (look for the empty line, that has to be there):
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Save and set the file to read-only to prevent it from resetting. You can also set it to another key, e.g. F.
If this stuff doesn’t work out, alternatively, you can set the key to open the console under the configuration section of the Universal Unreal Engine 4 Unlocker to a key on your keyboard.

How To Disable Vignette

Vignette darkens the edges of the screen, which in my opinion is very annoying, so here’s a way to disable it.
  • First, you have to make sure the game isn’t running.
  • Then open File Explorer and paste this line into the address bar: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Endeavor\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor.
  • Just keep opening the following folders: C:\Users\YOUR USERNAME\AppData\Local\Endeavor\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor.
  • Each of the folders you need to open is separated by a \.
  • You should see an “Engine.ini” file after opening the last folder.
  • Open it with any text editor of your choice (E.g. Notepad/Notepad++/etc.).
  • Finally, add the following lines to the bottom of the file:
Save the file, set it to read-only and start the game back up. You should be able to enjoy being able to actually see around you without artificial darkness!

If you found these tricks useful then you can let me know by posting them in the comments section. There are many more guides coming on Aliens: Fireteam Elite so do keep an eye on us.
I hope to find you in the best of health and hope you are enjoying playing this game. Thank you for checking out my guide and have a great day!

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