This guide shows you how to adjust the FOV and disable the Vignette effect which makes the edges of your screen dark, in the game Aliens: Fireteam Elite. This game has been launched on Steam on the 24th of August of this year and is set to be a cult hit.
If you are a fan of the Aliens franchise and need to make the above adjustments then this guide is definitely for you. Let’s check it out. WARNING: This post contains a guide to a third-party DLL.
Even though it is tested as safe so far, I highly Advise user’s discretion while using it. If you feel the risk of not using it, simply don’t!
How To Adjust FOV/Disable Vignette In Aliens: Fireteam Elite
How To Adjust FOV in Alien Fire Team
- Start Aliens: Fireteam Elite and click on “Continue Game” from the menu. Run the UuuClient.exe from the Universal Unreal Engine 4 Unlocker.
- Select the Aliens: Fireteam Elite process and click Inject the DLL.
- The window will now change. Go back into the game and open the console using the tilde “`” key.
- It’s located above the tab and on the left side of number 1.
- If you have a different keyboard configuration, you can change the key in the Configuration section in Unreal Engine Unlocker.
- You can change the FOV by using the ‘fov xxx’ command.
Non-English/Foreign Language Keyboard
- In explorer go to: C:\users\<your username>\AppData\Local\<game name>\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor
- and open Input.ini. Add (look for the empty line, that has to be there):
[/script/engine.inputsettings] ConsoleKey=Tilde
How To Disable Vignette
- First, you have to make sure the game isn’t running.
- Then open File Explorer and paste this line into the address bar: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Endeavor\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor.
- Just keep opening the following folders: C:\Users\YOUR USERNAME\AppData\Local\Endeavor\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor.
- Each of the folders you need to open is separated by a \.
- You should see an “Engine.ini” file after opening the last folder.
- Open it with any text editor of your choice (E.g. Notepad/Notepad++/etc.).
- Finally, add the following lines to the bottom of the file:
[SystemSettings] r.Tonemapper.Quality=0

An avid listener of music from a number of countries. Writing is his hobby and passion. A follower of all the latest android and PC games. Not to mention his favorite: Mobile Legends!