Armored Core 6: Destroy The Transport Helicopters Mission Guide

The early missions for players will set them up nicely for Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon. The fourth mission, “Destroy the Transport Helicopters,” is challenging in the game.

You will face up against the Rubicon Liberation Front as before, with a brand-new collectible on offer that will be there for the remainder of the game.

Having completed the previous missions, “Destroy Artillery Installations” and “Grid 135 Cleanup,” players should be confident. The following guide will help players achieve Mission 4 of Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon.

Armored Core 6 – How To Approach And Complete Destroy the Transport Helicopters

The focus on builds is very high in the game, so you have a lot of customization available to get the strongest one. That is why players must make the right choices regarding every aspect, including weapons, armor, and more.

While you do not need any fixed build for this mission, you should still prioritize carrying a melee weapon like the HI-32: BU-TT/A pulse blade.

Make sure to have a fair amount of ranged weapons, too, since a powerful boss will need defeating if you want to win the collectible mentioned above.

Armored Core VI - Transport Helicopters attack

The background of the mission is that the Balam Corporation has contacted Handler Walter, asking for you to help them, as you had done superbly in Mission 2.

The main task for this mission is to demolish several Transport Helicopters that are in the possession of the Rubicon Liberation Front.

The first helicopter is on the right side, where you get down on the ground, guarded by enemy MTs. After cleaning up, move ahead to the second blue marker near the wall towards the direction where the Transport Helicopter was pointing.

Destroy the enemies around you in the area, and then take out the two stationary Helicopters sitting at the base of the cliff.

Armored Core VI - Transport Helicopters destroy

After demolishing them, get up the cliff to find yourself at a landing zone with four Transport Helicopters. You will have plenty of enemies here, including a deadly BAWS Tetrapod.

Handler Walter wants you not to engage with that, but players looking for the collectible will have to. Otherwise, you can defeat the enemies and destroy the helicopters as you have done.

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Armored Core 6 – How To Destroy The BAWS Tetrapod

The BAWS Tetrapod is the maiden Combat Log you will find in Armored Core 6, as the LOGHUNT mechanic is only available once you have finished the earlier missions. You have to take it down to collect the Combat Log Collector Achievement, the associated rewards, and the logs.

The BAWS Tetrapod has three weapons: a railgun, a shotgun, and an energy sword.

Armored Core VI - Transport Helicopters BAWS

  • The shotgun is mostly for near and middle ranges, with the railgun used for players standing further away.
  • The sword can do both depending on the distance you are actually at and how quickly you can dodge it in the game’s combat.
  • The railgun has a warning sound and a glowing square around the weapon as it prepares to fire, so it will enable you to avoid it and keep firing until the moment arrives.
  • You can also be very near and avoid sword attacks using a shotgun or sword from your side.
  • The main thing to remember is to rack up the ACS stagger meter and then fire on all cylinders, as the Direct Hit damage will be massive.
  • After winning, you will get the Silver-Tier Combat Log, which will be added to your collection.

The overall mission reward is 80,000 Credits (COAM), which is no small feat. That is why the mission will be a good endeavor for players as they dive deeper and deeper into the game, coming up against more difficult enemies. Follow our Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon page for all the latest guides, news, updates, fixes, and more!

Last Updated on August 28, 2023

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