How to become a Western Style Democracy in the game most efficiently?
This game is creating quite a buzz, and most gaming community loves it. With longer play sessions this time round ( nearly up to 2 hours), you are in for quite some time in this game. Also, the fact that you have to play this game repeatedly and still not get bored is an outstanding achievement for this game.
If you spent some time in the game, one thing you would want to do is Reform yourself. More specifically, the Western-style democracy. I will show you the most efficient way to do that in this guide.
Opening moves
This is not my usual system, but having some money in the military will let you use it if you want to go to War with Vietnam or India later in the game; I will not do that. Now, you should have one fund left or one million Yuan. Begin researching the first industrial technology, “Improved conveyor production.” This will let you kick start your industry, which is essential for finding trade partners; this will be critical when the USSR embargoes you.
The next important step is the political screen; you must before the game ticks a single day to avoid events from triggering investigations on people you’d be appointing ASAP. Support Zhao Ziyang four times appoint him Minister of Foreign Affairs, aka MFA. This will lower your dip rep quickly, let you start trading with other nations ASAP, and empower who will be your future leader. Appoint Ji Dengkui, or any “thrifty” person, as his replacement in the South; this will boost your income. Appoint Li Xiannian, or any “thrifty” person, as the Eastern leader; this will increase your revenue.
You should have 300 thousand Yuan in your budget now, which is fine. You will make a lot soon to recover what you just spent.
The last commands of Mao
This part is pretty simple: do not follow what Mao commands and act in opposition to him; we want reformers because two of them are “thrifty,” the best trait of “Hard Man” is second best. As well, following the orders of Mao will boost our power and our relations with Radical Leftists, something that is detrimental to our goals.
Follow the events in this order:
- – Gently sabotage the campaign
- – Stand up for (Deng) Xiaoping
– Do what you please in Thailand. I will not be doing anything for this session, but you can reallocate funds from the army to start a civil war or do whatever.
Withdraw material and prohibit his publication; at this point, bite the bullet, legalize liberals, and start supporting them.
Call everyone to go away and cordon off the rest until they leave.
So, at this point, you are very unpopular with the party; they do not like your views. If you use the same budget I provided in the early game, you should have about 11 agents before they try to overthrow you, meaning that you can beat them when it comes down to it. Don’t bother looking for whoever is the traitor; it is almost impossible to find from my experience due to your low party approval. You should also have about 3.3 million Yuan in the budget by the time the conspiracy fires; it should rise to that number just before it triggers. When it fires, arrest them; this costs you ten agents.
Let the game run for a bit; you should have at least 5 million Yuan to fund recovery and better protection after the significant earthquake; use it; it helps party loyalty and public views.
Mao died shortly after this, followed his wishes, and let the funeral commission decide what to do with him; this would boost Reformists in the political tab and arrest the Gang of Four. Their event will fire soon after Mao dies. You will lose one “thrifty” leader but gain two instead. Appoint Chen Yun as his replacement in the East and put Deng in the West.
Support the rebellion and avoid the Cambodian–the Vietnamese War by supporting the uprising. I would not recommend helping Pol Pot or Cambodia in general as this would put in opposition to the USSR, and you want to such as much trade out of them as possible. Dip supported Vietnam to buy a little more time to trade. Boost industry funding up to 20 million Yuan in budget.
Opening checkpoint
At this point, you should be in a situation like this, with slight differences depending on whether you decide to support anything in Thailand or Cambodia.
Reformist and their games.
The game has run slightly between now and the last events, which is fine. You should have an option for an alliance with the Reformers and take it. After doing this, appoint Deng as CMC and reappoint him to the West. Boost research funding to about 13 million Yuan and keep investing until 15 million. While you are waiting for the funds to gather to do that, the event Commission on “Solution” will fire, and you should appoint Peng Zhen and Zhao Ziyang.
The India elections event will fire at this point; I chose not to support anyone as they will trade with you after the elections, but you can do as you please here. Reallocate funds from the military or science when needed to do what you want, and bring them back up again soon.
The event “Back to the Roots” will fire at this point, and you can only take one option; thankfully, it is the one you want. Get the reforms rolling; money will start booming after a few more events. Sadly, first, we must take a hit. The USSR has closed its market to us; we must accept this and ignore them for now. Right after my first tech finishes, I begin the next industrial tech.
A Crescent in the Eyes will trigger soon after; I form relations with the new government to get the US to like me more and get another trade partner. You can also sign a friendship pact with the French. The Egyptian event will fire soon. It is expensive and will require some, but you can help; invest beforehand. The other industrial tech will finish soon after, starting on the first farming one.
The Burmese Road to Socialism will trigger, send them three million Yuan to start trading with them as they will make up their investment in about a year or so.
Here are the significant events to start reforming; because of your pro-reformist actions, you can work with Deng by selecting the Agree with their Demands option in the Cat event. I am unsure if Deng can give up power to liberals, so let’s play it safe and work with the Reformists here instead of fighting them. Support whoever you want in Iran; it doesn’t matter too much. Pick the third industrial tech after the subsequent research is finished. Soon after, you can open the SEZ, Open it and part of the rest of the enterprises, and then turn around and trade with the Philippines and collect investments from France and the USA.
Go to doctrines and use the money you have to declare a secular state, or collect the funds and then do this. I have ensured that you will have plenty of buffers if you follow the guide. I had almost eight million Yuan after I did the first reform. “End of Revolution” will then fire pick the “civil liberalization,” making it cheaper later to reform that field. You can also trade with Iran at this point. Continue to research industrial techs.
Once the year passes, collect investments from France and the USA, fully liberalize civil society, and then privatize farms when the event fires. Research the other farming tech and sign the CIA and Friendship agreement with the USA.
The first elections and the last stages
At this point, you are nearly ready to declare open and possibly free elections, but first, the Mongolians are throwing a fit, so select whatever option you please; remember that spending money at this stage delays democracy. Once the year ticks over to 1980, again collect investments. At this point, I could switch to a mixed economy and multiparty democracy. I was able to win the elections without cheating but feel accessible if you don’t think you will get a 2/3rds majority. At this point, you are home free and play as you want until 1982; during that year, you will get an event mentioning that you will begin a departure from Mao; make sure you select the one that moves you away from Maoism.
You will get the student protest event for a few years, Resign your position as leader of the party, and then offer full liberalization to the crowd without compromising after you resign. At that point, you are genuinely a liberalized state.
Last Updated on February 6, 2024

A computer science graduate by qualification, Zoid loves to keep himself updated with the latest gaming content related to PC, Android, and other platforms as well. Likes to keep his diet and health in check from time to time!