COD: Modern Warfare 3 – Prestige System And How It Works

COD: MW 3 – Prestige System And How It Works – There is much fanfare surrounding Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, and rightly so, given the legacy that precedes it. While there will be a bunch of new stuff for players to try, one familiar mechanic returns: the Prestige System.

While it will be carried over from Modern Warfare 2’s Season, the following guide will help players understand how the Prestige System will work in the latest edition. 

COD: Modern Warfare 3 – What Is The Prestige System And How It Works

Players will be familiar from earlier Call of Duty games that the Seasonal Prestige was implemented to much fanfare. You will be awarded Prestige Emblems and rewards as you cross each particular Prestige Rank in the game.

The Seasonal Prestige from COD Modern Warfare 2 will be incorporated into the new game, so you do not need to begin immediately. Here is the complete list of Prestige Ranks: 

  • Rank 56: Prestige 1
  • Rank 100: Prestige 2
  • Rank 150: Prestige 3
  • Rank 200: Prestige 4
  • Rank 250: Prestige 5

From the above list, it is clear that players will receive their maiden Prestige rank after attaining Rank 56, along with the related prizes for getting that rank. The sole method of increasing your Prestige rank is by experiencing the game and gathering as much XP as possible quickly.

The best methods of achieving the same are finishing Daily Challenges, completing match objectives given, and emerging victorious in Multiplayer matches. 

COD MW3 - how prestige works

Players will be bestowed with the Prestige Emblems for getting to the above ranks. These will help you stand out with their quirky look, be a great addition to your profiles as a cosmetic item, and earn bragging rights over other players. 

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There are also Prestige Challenges that will reward you with Calling Cards after completing them. The tasks for these Prestige Challenges include getting a fixed number of kills headshots, winning within a certain period, and more.

Calling Cards are also cosmetic items displayed on your profiles to show how many challenges you have finished in the game.

According to the latest information, players will gain Prestige XP in COD Modern Warfare 3 exclusively, independent of their rank in MOD 2. However, the Weapon XP can be attained in MW 2 or the new game; that is no problem.

This is all part of the ‘Carry Forward’ initiative that plans to synchronize everything formally. 

The only bad news for players is that there will be no return of the earlier system of Prestige that allowed players to get to a specific level before resetting it again to earn more rewards and icons. This will not be possible in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and has left some players miffed.

Thus, that is all the information players will need regarding the Prestige System in the game and how it works, along with the Emblems and Ranks. It is an excellent addition to the gameplay as it gives more incentives to perform well and earn rewards. 

Last Updated on October 17, 2023

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