Cyberpunk 2077: Should You Eliminate Katya Or Let Her Go (Spy In The Jungle)

Players will have to make many important decisions in Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty, which will impact all things about your characters as you progress. The outcomes will be felt all across Night City, and one of the major ones early in how to manage Katya in the Spy In The Jungle quest.

Players will find out that Katya was posing as Bana to get help from outside and that she interrogated Bana. This will set the stage for the major decision, and the following guide explains how to approach it and the consequences of each choice. 

Cyberpunk 2077: Should You Eliminate Katya Or Let Her Go (Spy In The Jungle)

Eliminating Katya

Cyberpunk 2077 - Katya dies

Katya will come up when playing in Spy In The Jungle, and players will get an agreement from their friends to eliminate her. Katya will tell you to grab the Biomonitor and bring out your weapon to collect it. You will find a hidden conversation on her person that will reveal that she was the one who took out Bana while interrogating her.

However, you will also get to know that Katya’s bosses were the ones who were the real masterminds. Once you have the Biomonitor, you will link up with the remaining agents in Dogtown. Players can carry on with the remainder of the mission and will also experience some twists and decide what to do with the Biomonitor along the way. 

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Letting Katya live

The other choice is, of course. To let Katya live in the game. You will have her working with you and giving you coordinates to a cache part of the quest called Money for Nothing. The cache is located in Dogtown. Once it is done, you can grab the Biomonitor as she leaves so you can complete the mission. 

The cache contains 12,000 Eurodollars, a note for Katya, and a face item that enhances the time to Quickhack by 10%. The quest concerns a job in Dogtown that is pretty short, and you get some rewards. 

Cyberpunk 2077 - Katya lives

What decision to take?

It is up to the players what they want to do in this situation. The only benefit of letting Katya live is the coordinates to the cache in Dogtown. The main objective is obtaining the Biomonitor you will get in both scenarios. Remember that the other agents of Bana will not be thrilled that you allowed Katya to go. 

Thus, that is all the information players will need regarding the decision-making in the Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty mission. As others are in the game, it is not a very consequential choice, so you do not have to overthink it. 

Last Updated on September 30, 2023

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