Darkest Dungeon 2: How to Fix Black Screen Problem

The long-awaited sequel to Darkest Dungeon is finally out now. Red Hook Studios, the developers and publishers, have released Darkest Dungeon 2 in full, having been in early access two years back. You will be experiencing a lot of new adventures and challenges in the game since the overall look has changed.

The game’s full version was sure to have some little glitches and problems while playing in the initial days and it has been proved correct. One of the most persistent issues in this regard has been the sudden appearance of a black screen that stops you from enjoying the game altogether until you resolve the problem. While players need not fear losing their progress, the following guide will help you in getting rid of this issue. 

Darkest Dungeon 2: How to Fix the black screen problem

Firstly, it is important to mention that players who are enjoying the game on PC and Steam Deck have been most affected by this bug. You will experience the black screen whenever you are trying to start the game and it will not go away by just waiting around. That is why there are some steps that players can take in order to resolve the problem. 

Darkest Dungeon 2 - steam deck

Players have to get inside their Steam Library and search for the game, Darkest Dungeon 2 within the Steam application. Select the Settings icon present to the right of your screen and you will see a menu containing all the settings associated with the game.

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Choose Properties from the list and then select Compatibility thereafter.

You will notice a box that has “Force the use of a specific Steam Play compatibility tool” and you will have to tick this box there. There will be a list immediately cropping up in which, find and click on “proton experimental.” Once you are done, make sure to apply all the changes and then close the Settings area. Now, try starting your game again and it should be running smoothly. 

Darkest Dungeon 2 - no more black screen

Thus, that is all the information players will need to fix the black screen problem at this point in time. Several players on Steam Deck have reported seeing success through this method that will completely rid you of the irritating issue.

Nevertheless, there can be a situation where players will still be experiencing the black screen error. In this case, players are advised to uninstall and reinstall the game on their system. You can even try to restart the game all over a few times to check if it gets solved on its own. 

Last Updated on May 14, 2023

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