Darkest Dungeon 2: How to Turn On 21:9 Aspect Ratio

The brand-new Darkest Dungeon 2 has gotten everyone excited with its unique style of location and unique features. Developed by Red Hook Studios, the game has now changed to 3D from 2D, meaning there will be updates needed to their systems as well.

All of this will enable you to play the game extremely smoothly. You would also want to tune into ultrawide resolution, meaning 21:9. Nevertheless, the game, nor its beta stage, supports the ultrawide resolution yet. So, the question becomes, what can you do in this regard? That is why the following guide will help players in turning on the ultra-wide 21:9 aspect ratio in Darkest Dungeon 2. 

Darkest Dungeon 2: How to turn on 21:9 aspect ratio for ultra-wide resolution

While it is known that the game itself will not have the 21:9 resolution, there are some things that players can do in order to achieve it. Players have to begin by choosing the highest resolution present within the game that will make sure they have the greatest quality which the game offers.

Players will be experiencing it differently but the most common resolutions will be 2560×1080, 3440×1440, and 3840×2160. Once you have this ready, you can follow some easy steps to get the 21:9 ultra-wide resolution. 

Darkest Dungeon 2 - aspect ratio

After you begin the game, move to the main menu and get inside Settings. Choose the Graphics tab and then the “Display Mode” tab. You will notice a dialog box appearing and make sure you click on windowed mode from here. Once done, select the resolution option and choose the highest option that is allowed on your system.

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Players who can afford the 21:9 ultra-wide resolution will see one of the three aforementioned options now. Select the update option and now choose full-screen mode before clicking on the update option again. As you get through all of this, you will now be in a 21:9 aspect ratio. 

Darkest Dungeon 2 - graphics ultrawide

Once you have finished with all of this, the monitor’s resolution will become ultra-wide as much as possible. Players will not have to deal with black marks or stretchable interfaces at all. The only problem that players will encounter in all of this mentioned here is that you will have to do this process with all the steps every time you start the game again.

This is because the ultra-wide resolution of the 21:9 aspect ratio is not set in stone or saved within the game, meaning the changes are discarded every time you quit the game. 

Thus, that is all the information players will need when it comes to changing Darkest Dungeon 2’s resolution to a 21:9 aspect ratio. It is expected that there will be a future update where the game will allow you to save the settings once and for all, so you do not have to change it back each time. 

Last Updated on May 14, 2023

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