Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin – How To Import Saves

 Some players are looking to import their saved game from the Epic Games Store, and there is a slightly complicated process. The following guide explains how to import saves and what needs to be done in Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin.

Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin – How to import saves

Players will need the saved game files in the Epic Games Store folder on their PC and the corresponding folder for Steam, along with a hexadecimal editor. We begin with what needs to happen with the Epic Games Store first. 

Epic Games Store

Go to the game folder on your PC and make a backup folder first, as it can come in handy later on if needed (%USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\STRANGER OF PARADISE FINAL FANTASY ORIGIN\EOS\<user-id>).

Stranger of Paradise - Final Fantasy Origin - Save Data

Amongst the many files, you will see the main game file and system save file. While having one main game file is no problem, if there is more than one, you will have to check individually by turning on the game each time.

After you have the required save file, make a new folder called “SOP EGS save,” within which you must copy the selected main game file and system save file (SYSTEMSAVEDATA00), as these are the ones we need going forward. 

Steam saves empty

  • The second step is to do the rest of the save files from the Steam game. Make sure to have backups of your saves in a different place. Once done, go to %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\ STRANGER OF PARADISE FINAL FANTASY ORIGIN\Steam\<user-id>\

And complete the backup.

Now remove everything present in the folder and start the game again. Create a new game and keep the same difficulty level as the one you are getting to import. As the introductory cutscene plays, shut down the game, and you have the empty Steam saves ready. 

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Editing hexadecimal 

Players can use to complete this part. Get your imported EGS save file by opening the file, and the data will pop up onscreen. Now import the Steam save file, and you want.

Focus on the first two lines of code in the Steam save (00000000 and 00000010). Players have to note down all the combinations of letters and numbers (case-sensitive) along with the specific cases and line breaks, all of which have to be perfect. 

Stranger of Paradise - Final Fantasy Origin - Hexadecimal editor opening

Go back to the first screen with the EGS save, select the first square of two characters on the opening line, and start changing the lines with what you noted earlier.

Once you are finished, choose Export and save the file in a different folder so you know this is what you will need. Make sure you do not delete the “SAVEDATA.BIN” extension.

Players must repeat the process for the system save file (SYSTEMSAVEDATA00) folder. After you have rewritten the code, save it in a new folder and keep the given name, creating a game and system save for both. 

Stranger of Paradise - Final Fantasy Origin - Hexadecimal editor

Getting the saved folders into the Steam folder

The final steps involve getting the converted system saved and placing it inside the SYSTEMSAVEDATA00 folder of your Steam save directory


Players must also bring their converted game save and place it in each “SAVEDATA0X” folder present. This will prevent you from experiencing the game crashing each time you try to load the game. Start Steam again and continue from thereon. 

Thus, that is all the information players will need regarding the importing saves aspect. This is a time-consuming process, and you must be very careful with the coding process. But once you finish it, players can have the imported games working seamlessly. 

Last Updated on February 7, 2024

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