Are you stuck searching for that last elusive item in Crime Scene Cleaner? Or perhaps you’ve found an item but can’t seem to figure out where it belongs? This guide is here to help you locate all the scattered art pieces throughout the museum and guide you on where to place them. Let’s dive into the details, room by room.
All Misplaced Exhibits In Crime Scene Cleaner

Yellow Room
The Yellow Room contains four items that need to be found elsewhere and brought here. Every other yellow item that needs to be placed can be found within this room and will not be included in this guide.
The first item is the Yellow Computer Chair, which can be found behind the bar in the Cafeteria. Next, you’ll need to retrieve the Globe, located just outside the Red Room near the 3 Egg exhibit.
The last two items are wooden chairs: the first is found just past the T-Rex between the entrances to the West Wing and the Dark Room, while the second chair is on the second floor, overlooking the entrance of the museum.

Red Room
The Red Room has five items that need to be located, all of which are found outside the room. Other exhibits that need to be placed can be found within this room and are not covered in this guide.
Among the five items, four are chairs, so we’ll start with the table, which is one of the first items you see when you start the level as it’s right outside the door to the Yellow Room.
The first chair is easily spotted as it’s right underneath the giant T-Rex. The second chair is in one of the corners of the Duck Room, while the third chair is hidden within the Dark Room Maze.
The last chair can only be accessed after entering the cafeteria, where it’s flat against the double doors on the inside.

T-Rex Exhibit
The T-Rex has the most missing parts, with a total of nine pieces scattered throughout the museum.
The jaw is directly underneath the T-Rex itself, an easy miss if you’re not paying attention. The missing toe bone is impaled in a body hanging out of an open door, accessible via the stairway in the Duck Room. The back foot claw is also found impaled in a body, this time with the Shield evidence, located in the Dark Room maze.
The missing arm is near a body on the Lion Statue in the West Wing, while the leg bone can be found in the toilet of the Yellow Room. The tail has two parts: the inner part is on the second floor at the end of the hall opposite the cafeteria entrance, and the outer part is in the Band section of the West Wing.
The foot bone is inside the dual doors dubbed “The Illusion of Choice,” and the rib bone is on the floor in the middle of the Duck Room.

West Wing
The West Wing is divided into two areas: History and Music. We’ll start with the History section, where some pieces are found directly in the area and will not be covered in this guide.
The Egyptian Bust is in the Northern Exhibition room with the Stegosaurus. The first unnamed bust is in the Central Exhibition outside the Duck Room, and the second bust is at the far end of the Central Exhibition past the West Wing and the Dark Room, up the stairs near the wall.
The Statue of Grasping Hands is on the suspended table in the Red Room, while the Star Sphere is on the floor right next to the entrance of the West Wing. The Doughnut Statue is in the Music Section of the West Wing on top of one of the glass exhibits and is easily missable, so keep an eye out.
The last spherical statue is in the basketball net of the Dark Room. Of the four musical items needed for the band on the stage in the Music portion of the West Wing, the crash cymbal is directly behind the stage, and the snare drum is in the hallway right behind the stage. The guitar is next to the Yellow Computer Chair behind the bar in the Cafeteria, while the hi-hat is just outside the Red Room.

Final Items
The remaining items include a few statues for the Central Exhibition and second floor, some paintings, and an overlooked chair in the Cafeteria.
The frameless paintings are on the first floor, all located in the entryway of the museum, while the framed paintings go on the second floor in the walkway above the entrance. Not every painting is included in this guide as most are found close to where they need to be hung.
The first painting is just outside the West Wing; hang it on the second floor. The second painting is on the first floor of the Cafeteria with some chairs, also to be hung on the second floor.
The third painting is between a statue and the wall on the second floor, and the fourth is blocking the door to the Northern Exhibition room with the Stegosaurus. The final painting for this guide is behind the T-Rex statue that had fallen over and killed someone; place it on the first floor.
Of the three statues in this section, two are in the Central Exhibition, and the third is on the second floor near the door leading to an employee work area. The Egg is beneath where it should be placed, so be careful not to knock it away while cleaning around it.
The small leaf statue is in the middle of the Duck Room, and the Antelope statue is in the Yellow Room and goes on the second floor. Finally, there’s a piece of furniture right next to the two doors named “The Illusion of Choice.”

That wraps up this guide! I hope you found it helpful in locating and placing all the misplaced exhibits in Crime Scene Cleaner. If you think I missed something, or if you’re still struggling to find an item not listed here, feel free to leave a comment, and I’ll help you out.
Thanks for reading!
Last Updated on November 1, 2024

An avid listener of music from a number of countries. Writing is his hobby and passion. A follower of all the latest android and PC games. Not to mention his favorite: Mobile Legends!