Cult Of The Lamb: How To Unlock The Mad Monster Follower Form

There has been a lot of chatter about Cult of the Lamb and rightfully so. I, for one, am loving the game play of building a cult of Followers to lord over.

The power to Sacrifice and Resurrect them is also a nice bonus, alongside going on Crusades to win great rewards.

I am very intrigued by the different types of Follower Forms that one can apply on new Followers throughout the game. These can be found as you progress normally.

However, I have found that not all of the Forms are equally accessible, with the Monster Follower Form being especially difficult. That is why I am here to help you all out in getting this form.

Cult of the Lamb - Finding Rakshasa

Cult of the Lamb: Unlocking the Mad Monster Follower Form

Firstly, you have to be on Crusading mode to get this Monster Form. This is important as you will not be able to move on to the next step otherwise, as it unlocks automatically. I have listed down the steps in what you have to do next:

  • A Shop icon with vegetables will come up, before you will meet a Shrimp merchant called Rakshasa
  • He is carrying three offerings of ingredients and his huge Snail wife
  • You will have to start striking the Snail and this will anger Rakhasa, who will now attack you
  • I did not face too much difficulty in defeating him, but his structure and ability to fend off attacks can cause some trouble
  • Keep an eye on his movement and pick your moments to inflict damage
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Cult of the Lamb - Mad Monster Follower Form

After beating Rakshasa, you will find him continue to serve you while also giving you the Monster Statue decoration.

Cult of the Lamb: Getting the final Follower Form

Once you have the Statute, go back to the crafting table in order to craft the final decoration form. I placed the statute in my cult, and you will be able to only one of them.

Having finishing the construction, just simply stand in front of it to get the prompt of praying. After you are done with the prayer, the Monster Follower Form will be granted to you.

Thus, that is how players can earn the Mad Monster Follower Form. I had a great time battling Rakshasa and unlocking the form, which is a nice addition to the game.

Indeed, the search for all of them is a tedious task, but it adds a great dimension to the overall aesthetic of the game.

Last Updated on August 21, 2022

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