Destiny 2: – Unlock Bluejay Quest and Get Polymorphic Shellcode

One of the quests you must complete in Lightfall of D2 is the Bluejay quest, which will bring you one step closer to obtaining a Polymorphic Shellcode. This guide will show you how to get the Bluejay quest in Destiny 2 and how to get polymorphic shellcodes.

How To Unlock Bluejay Quest In Destiny 2

The Bluejay quest must be completed to obtain Polymorphic Shellcode items, which are required for the event Partition: Hard Reset. This guide will show you how to get this quest in Destiny 2.

You must first complete some other quests before you can get the Bluejay quest. What you should do before starting the Bluejay quest is outlined below:

  • Finish the Lightfall campaign.
  • Complete the Welcome to the Hall of Heroes quest by visiting the Hall of Heroes.
  • After reaching rank 11 with Nimbus, speak with Quinn to obtain the Stargazer quest.
  • Complete the Stargazer quest and return to Quinn to obtain the Maelstrom quest.
  • Complete the quest and return to Quinn to obtain the Bluejay quest. This will direct you to Nimbus.
  • After reaching level 13, go to Nimbus to begin the Bluejay quest.

Destiny 2 Bluejay Quest Guide

You have seven objectives to complete, now that you have begun the Bluejay quest.

  1. Make your way to Liming Harbor and take out three Disruptor Arrays’ Anchors. This is possible in the Terminal Overload event.
  2. You’ll also need 8 Strand Fragments. To obtain fragments, fight Shadow Legion Reinforcements with the Strand subclass.
  3. You will obtain Terminal Overload Keys. It can be used to open chests in Neomuna and obtain the Polymorphic Engine.
  4. You have now successfully unlocked the Partition: Hard Reset Event. 

To complete the event, defuse all of the bombs within the time limit and defeat the Demolitionists. Return to the Hall of Heroes and fix Bluejay’s Memorial. Speak with Quinn to complete the questline and unlock the Polymorphic Shellcode item.

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How To Get Polymorphic Shellcode in Destiny 2

Destiny 2 - Lightfall - Bluejay

The Lightfall update of Destiny 2 introduced the Polymorphic Shellcode money, which is needed to access and finish the Partition action in Neomuna. If you have the opportunity, it’s worth finishing the weekly partition task because it can award you with strong items.

Polymorphic Shellcode is necessary before you can start, though. Following the weekly restart period for Destiny 2, there are several Partition variants. Such as Partition Hard Reset and Partition Backdoor.

Completing the weekly reward from Cloud Strider Nimbus in Neomuna will grant you a Polymorphic Shellcode in Destiny 2. You will receive XP and one Polymorphic Shellcode for Partition upon finishing this task.

Before looking for Polymorphic Shellcode, make certain that you have finished the Destiny 2 Lightfall task list and the Destiny 2 Bluejay challenge from the Archivist in the Hall of Heroes in Neomuna.

You can’t access Nimbus’ monthly bounty until you’ve finished the Bluejay task and the Lightfall campaign. To accomplish this weekly reward and receive a Polymorphic Shellcode, you should be aware that you also need to know how to obtain Destiny 2 Terminal Overload Keys.

Now that Partition’s danger has been neutralized, you are prepared to join the Vex Network. If you’re having trouble defeating the dangerous Vex in Partition, use the best build for your class in addition to bringing the best Destiny 2 PvE weaponry with you.

It is vital for the Partition as discussed above and you will require some conditions to be met as well.

That’s all there is to learn about the Bluejay quest in Destiny 2 and how you can get shellcodes. If you enjoyed this guide, you should also read our other guides.

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