This is a Performance and Fixes guide for the game Elden Ring. It includes some things that can help with performance, settings, and tweaks for the game as much as possible.
Elden Ring – Optimization Guide And Performance Fixes
Elden Ring is not the most optimized game for PC, but there are a few workarounds that can get it performing a lot better if not all the way smoothly. Read the full guide and let me know if this stuff is helpful at all.
Reading this guide will troubleshoot most performance-related problems in Elden Ring.
DX12 is infamous for being responsible for poor frame rates/stuttering. To fix this, we need to use the much more efficient DX11 instead.
- Right-click on the game on your Steam list
- Select Properties
- Look for the category “launch options” and type the following: -dx11
- Prefer Maximum GPU Usage
Ensuring that Elden Ring is making as much use of your hardware as possible will boost frame rates and help (but not completely alleviate) the stutter issue. NVIDIA users can follow the top part of this section; everyone else can skip to the second.
- Right-click on your desktop and open the NVIDIA Control Panel.
- Go to Program Settings
- Click the Add button and navigate to eldenring.exe (this is commonly found in C: / programfilesx86 / steam / steamapps / common / Elden ring)
- Once it is added to the control panel find the Power Management Mode setting and switch that to Prefer Maximum Performance.
Non-NVIDIA (Windows Users):
1: In your search bar, type Graphics Settings
2: Click Browse, and navigate to eldenring.exe (C: / programfilesx86 / steam / steamapps / common / Elden ring)
3: Click on the .exe, open the Options menu, and select High Performance.
Best Graphics Settings for Elden Ring
Finally, we can look at the in-game graphical options. Most of them sadly do not impact performance much at all, but there are a few that can make a decent fps difference.
This step is especially important to those with a mid-tier to low-tier GPU/CPU. The following settings being at medium or lower, should give you a decent fps boost without too much cost to graphical fidelity, especially in the open world.
- SSAO – Medium
- Shader Quality – Medium
- Shadow Quality – Medium
- Effects – Medium
- Grass Quality – Medium
As a final note, I highly recommend keeping your texture quality setting at either high or maximum, as it has very little impact on performance.
Anti-aliasing is also preferred to be kept at high, but unlike shadows, this can tank your fps pretty hard.
Sadly, until we either get an official patch or skilled modders to fix the performance issues, I think we are just going to have to deal with the fact that the PC port of Elden Ring has some issues.
I hope that some of these settings can at least alleviate some of the god-awful stutters that were getting me and many others killed during boss fights.
Additional things you can do that did not work for me but may work on other hardware configs are:
- Update your graphics drivers
- Disable steam overlay
- Set your power management mode to Balanced
- Set the global shader cache size in the NVIDIA control panel to unlimited
I also recommend that you tinker with the in-game video settings for yourself and see if certain configs work better for your setup. Best of luck.
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Last Updated on July 5, 2024

An avid listener of music from a number of countries. Writing is his hobby and passion. A follower of all the latest android and PC games. Not to mention his favorite: Mobile Legends!
Does this fix the “white screen crash on launch” issue caused by gpu not having dx12 feature level 12_0? Spent literal hours yesterday reinstalling and troubleshooting thinking i broke the game trying one of the other performance fixes, only to find out that my gpu simply doesnt support fl 12_0…
You can give it a go. If it is directx dependent like assassins creed valhalla, then I am afraid you would need a directx 12 card