Starlings are tiny, orange aliens that are everywhere in the universe and seek to rule the entire galaxy. Build your own space colony, engage in an epic conflict, and find new worlds.
Develop your technologies, train your troops, and make incredible devices. With pals, enjoy this massive social game! This article details the total cost of using chips to max out one planet.
Guide On Maxing Out A Planet With Chips In Galaxy Life
I will include a cost breakdown for each building, unit, activation, etc. in this guide. Due to its length, this tutorial has been divided into 3 sections; if you don’t want to read everything and are only interested in learning the total cost, skip to the last section.
I sincerely hope you found this manual helpful. If so, please remark! If you would like me to provide the same guide using resources rather than chips, please let me know. I’ll make one if you let me know in the comments. Not included in this guide are expenses for instant builds or upgrades.
PART 1: Using chips to max out buildings in Galaxy Life
- Starbase – 2083 (1 x 2083 from Level 1 to 9)
- Starbase Total: 2083 chips
- Houses – 1560 (12 x 130 from Level 1 to 10)
- Mines – 864 (12 x 72 from Level 1 to 10)
- Silo – 245 (5 x 49 from Level 1 to 10)
- Bank – 245 (5 x 49 from Level 1 to 10)
- Refinery – 115 (1 x 115 from Level 1 to 4) (only on the main planet available)
- Observatory – 955 (1 x 955 from Level 1 to 11) (only on main planet available)
Resources Total: 3984 chips
- Warp Portal – 288 (3 x 96 from Level 1 to 6)
- Training Camp – 48 (2 x 24 from Level 1 to 3)
- Factory – 62 (2 x 31 from Level 1 to 3)
- Starport – 74 (2 x 37 from Level 1 t 3)
- Laboratory – 62 (1 x 62 from Level 1 to 3)
- Alliance Building – 44 (1 x 44 from Level 1 to 3)
Army Total: 578 chips
- Cannon Blast – 2737 (7 x 391 from Level 1 to 11)
- Sniper Tower – 2982 (7 x 426 from Level 1 to 11)
- Lazer Tower – 750 (2 x 375 from Level 1 to 6)
- Missile Launcher – 758 (2 x 379 from Level 1 to 6)
- Freeze Turret – 954 (3 x 318 from Level 1 to 5)
- Mortar – 666 (3 x 222 from Level 1 to 4)
Turrets Total: 8847 chips
- Wall – 6900 (300 x 23 from Level 1 to 5)
- Trap – 0 (cannot be upgraded)
- Friend Bunker – 0 (cannot be upgraded)
- Defence Bunker – 500 (4 x 125 from Level 1 to 3)
Defences Total: 7400 chips
- Swing – 8000 coins (5 x 2000 coins)
- Bonsai – 30000 coins (3 x 10000 coins)
- Bonsai Of Life – 147 (3 x 49)
- Bonbon Of Trine – 57 (3 x 19)
- Chubi’s Fireworks – 57 (3 x 19)
- Banner Of Evil’s Bane – 125 (5 x 25)
- Ancestor – 45 (5 x 9)
- Elastic Bed – 45 (5 x 9)
- Horsie – 75 (5 x 15)
- Treadmill – 50 (5 x10)
- Skull Temple – 25 (5 x 5)
- Focus God – 35 (5 x 7)
- Starblooms – 15 (5 x 3)
- Dolmen – 100 (5 x 20)
- Glutton Plant – 35 (5 x 7)
- Mana Well – 125 (5 x 25)
Decorations Total: 937 chips & 38k coins
The total needed to purchase and upgrade all structures to the maximum level in chips is 23829 Chips (22759 excluding all buildings only available on the main planet).
PART 2: Using chips to max out units in Galaxy Life
Upgrading Units
- Marine – 57 (57 from Level 1 to 7)
- Looter – 82 (82 from Level 1 to 7)
- Flamethrower – 72 & Medal (72 from Level 1 to 7)
- Bazooka – 111 & Medal (111 from Level 1 to 7)
- Kamikaze – 105 & medal (105 from Level 1 to 7)
- Starlinator – 135 & medal (135 from Level 1 to 7)
S -Trike – 182 & medal (182 from Level 1 to 7)
Beetle Tank – 151 & medal (151 from Level 1 to 7)
Raider – 141 & medal (141 from Level 1 to 7)
The Mole – 150 & medal (150 from Level 1 to 7)
Colossus – 216 & medal (216 from Level 1 to 7)
Mecha – (cannot be upgraded)
- Wasp – 108 (108 from Level 1 to 6)
- Hoover Ufo – 200 (200 from Level 1 to 6)
- Mender – 163 (163 from Level 1 to 6)
- Falcon – 163 (163 from Level 1 to 6)
- Zeppelin – 219 (219 from Level 1 to 6)
Upgrading Units Total: 2255 chips
Activating Units
- Marine – (already activated)
- Looter – 1
- Flamethrower – 1
- Bazooka – 10
- Kamikaze – 15
- Starlinator – 28
S -Trike – 23
Beetle Tank – 24
Raider – 40
The Mole – 42
Colossus – 44
Mecha – 28 (beta unit)
- Wasp – 34
- Hoover Ufo – 38
- Mender – 42
- Falcon – 42
- Zeppelin – 46
Activating Units Total: 458 chips (430 without Mecha beta unit)
Unlocking all extra unit train slots
- Training camp – 110 (2 x 55)
- Factory – 110 (2 x 55)
- Starport – 110 (2 x 55)
Unlocking all extra unit train slots total: 330 chips
3043 Chips are required in total to activate, unlock, and upgrade all additional train slots and all units.
PART 3: The overall expense of maxing out Galaxy Life with chips
The total number of chips after adding them all up is given down below. You will need to purchase and spend money to cover at most 1 planet.
- Total cost for Part 1: 23829 chips
- Total cost for Part 2: 3043 chips
The total comes down to 26872 chips, which will set you back about 1160 USD or 1130 EUR. (25802 chips minus the two buildings that are exclusively accessible on your home planet)
In other words, unless you’re Elon Musk and have the means to buy a $1 billion watch, you won’t be filling up your globe to the brim with chips hahaha.
I appreciate you reading my tutorial. Please leave a remark if there is anything you believe I missed.
Last Updated on September 1, 2022

An avid listener of music from a number of countries. Writing is his hobby and passion. A follower of all the latest android and PC games. Not to mention his favorite: Mobile Legends!