Hogwarts Legacy – Config and Save File Location

Hogwarts Legacy – Config and Save File Location – I will show you where you can find the Config and Save File location for Hogwarts Legacy in this guide. This is to help you change or share any files with your friends if you want to.

Hogwarts Legacy – Config and Save File Location

If you have your hands on Hogwarts Legacy, you may want to change a game parameter or see where the save files are in the first place.

I will go over each section, first, the save file and then the config file location, so that it is pretty straightforward for the readers and they can navigate to what they want.

Hogwarts Legacy – Save File Location

The save and config file location for Hogwarts Legacy is – Local Disk (C:) > Users> ”Your Name” > AppData > Local > Hogwarts Legacy > Saved> SaveGames.

To locate these files, you need to do the following steps:

  • Go to search and Type “This PC” or “My PC,” depending on the name you gave.
  • Open Local Disk (C:) Once that opens, you will be taken inside.
  • Click on “Your Name” or the name you have given to your Desktop.
  • Once that opens, locate “Appdata” and open it.
  • Inside that folder, find a folder called “Local.”
  • Find the folder inside that directory called “Hogwarts Legacy.”
  • Once you go inside, find a folder called Saved; inside that folder, you will find the “SavedGames” folder.


Take note that it can be hidden for you if you cannot find the “AppData” folder. To un-hide it, do the following:

  • Above the Windows tab, there will be a “View” option. Click on it.
  • After that, look toward the right side, and you should see an option called “Hidden items.”
  • Check this box, and the hidden folders will be visible to you.

Hogwarts Legacy unhide folders

Before making any changes to the file, I recommend you back it up for safety purposes. If the cloud save feature does not work for you, you can always take a file from a friend or download it online and paste it here.

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Hogwarts Legacy Config File Location

The Location for the Hogwarts Legacy Config File is “Local Disk (C:) > Users> *Your Name* > AppData >Local > Hogwarts Legacy > Saved > Config > WindowsNoEditor

Here are the steps to locate it if you want to find it for yourself:

  • Go to search and Type “This PC” or “My PC,” depending on the name you gave.
  • Open Local Disk (C:)
  • Click on “Your Name” or the name you have given to your Desktop.
  • Once that opens, locate “Appdata.”
  • Inside that folder, find  “Local.”
  • Find the folder inside that directory called “Hogwarts Legacy.”
  • Once you go inside, find a folder called Saved.
  • Inside that folder, go to Config.
  • The name of the folder you want is called WindowsNoEditor.


As you can see from the image above, the Config File is named GameUserSettings. You can make many changes according to your knowledge to change how the game looks and behaves.

Please note that this is an advanced method to change the game settings, so have some prior knowledge before diving into it.

Also, I would recommend you back up the original config file so that in case of any mishap, you can restore it, and then everything is good to go.

Make sure to save the change if you make any tweaks to the file, and also, try to open the files with a text editor such as Notepad or Notepad ++

There you have it—the methods to locate the Config and Save files in Hogwarts Legacy. Let me know if this guide has helped you in any way possible.

Your valuable feedback is welcome in the comments below. Keep an eye on our Hogwarts Legacy Guides section for more such posts. Happy gaming!

Thanks for reading!

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