Payday 3 – Save File and Config File Location

The release of Payday 3  has seen it become the highest seller on Steam on the first day of its launch. Players are excited to get their hands on the new game, and there is plenty to do right from the start.

You will be taking down banks and doing heists, but be aware of things going wrong as you will be stuck in fights then. For players, one of the first things they want to know is the location of the save files and configuration files. These are important; the following guide will help you find them on your system.

Payday 3 – Save File and Config File Location

You can get the files you need in the game to restart from a fixed point, which can become crucial in major issues of Payday 3.

You can also make backups of your saved files and even use a save editor to tweak the files if needed. However, you are advised not to modify the config files yourself unless you are very familiar with the coding itself. 

Payday 3 - save file location

Payday 3 Config File Location

Players searching for the config files for Payday 3 on Windows have to go through the following:

  • %LOCALAPPDATA%\PAYDAY3\Saved\Config\WindowsClient\GameUserSettings.ini.
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If you want to change anything, it will affect the game’s settings, and you will see the changes when you relaunch the game.

For Steam Play (Linux), the path is

  • <Steam-folder>/steamapps/compatdata/1272080/pfx.

Payday 3 Save File Location

When it comes to the save game files for Payday 3, you will have to head to

  • C:/Users/%UserProfile%/AppData/LocalLow/Starbreeze Studios/PAYDAY 3 for Windows users.

It will be an essential feature of playing the game, so you must be familiar with it whenever you go through a new game like Payday 3.

For users on Steam Play (Linux), you have to head to

  • <Steam-folder>/steamapps/compatdata/1272080/pfx.

Thus, that is all the information players will need when finding the locations of the config files and saved files for Payday 3. You will use them often as you progress, so keep them safe. 

Last Updated on September 22, 2023

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