What Is The Auction House And How To Bid In Pokemon SV

There are many items to be collected in the game, and while purchasing them is the most common option, there is another fun way.

It is through auctions where players can bid and get the chance to take home their desired items. The following guide will help players find the auction house and what to do after including all the details. 

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - Getting to the auction house

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV): What is to know about the Auction feature

The developers were keen to add another real-world feature of getting items and to break the monotony of just visiting shops.

While the basic tenets of the game remain the same, namely, coming across a lot of items in your natural progression along with buying, the auctions hold more valuable and rare objects that are not easily seen. 

Players looking for the Auction House will have to visit Porto Marinade, and you will get access to the stuff inside only after beating Gym Leader Kofu at the Cascarrafa Gym, which yields Water-type.

After that, you are free to come and visit the Auction House any time, which is good for you as well. This is because the items to be auctioned keep changing every day, meaning you will only see the full potential after many visits. 

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - Location of auction house

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV): How to place a bid at Auction House

There will be a list of items for auction, and you can find it once you visit the Auction House.

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Usually, there will be three stalls for you, but if you carry a Special Pokemon, it can increase by one more. This extra stall contains the objects that will help you evolve and be better than Special Pokemon. 

After this, it is a very normal process, with players having to bid on the items they like. There will be other characters doing the same with you, meaning you will have to be careful of watching the price rise.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - bidding in auction house

On the other hand, ensure you do not raise prices too much as it will not give equal value after acquiring it. It would help if you kept enough reserves of Pokedollars to make other vital decisions surrounding your progress to the latter parts of the game.

You will be given the item if you win, and there are no limits to the days you can consecutively visit. 

Thus, that is all the information players will need when figuring out auction houses and how to bid for items. It can be a great source to get candies and stones, giving you a competitive edge in battles. 

Last Updated on February 4, 2024

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