FIFA 23 – Best Keyboard Controls and How To Change on PC

 I have been waiting for a long time for EA to drop FIFA 23. That is because this time, they are introducing a new concept called Hypermotion2 in FIFA. This will sync the motion of all the players resulting in a more realistic feeling on the pitch and in the game itself. I am keen on knowing how they will take this forward in future releases as well.

Speaking of motion, the major factor for keyboard players is knowing the best settings or binds for their keyboards. This ensures that they can take full advantage of all the mechanics that FIFA 23 has to offer.

My goal in this guide is to show you all my personal best keyboard controls and settings for FIFA 23. This will hopefully help you in fine-tuning and/or making the required changes so that you can dominate the pitch with a keyboard on a PC or PS5. let us take a look.

FIFA 23 best keyboard controls for PC

Best FIFA 23 Keybinds and Controls for Keyboard on a PC

First of all, I will show you each Key and the action they perform so that it is clear what you need to press to do such moves. Then, I will also share some tips I use to do certain mechanics that can help you in-game to hold your own.

In order to make these changes follow the given path: Customize > Settings > Customize Controls

Change the option from Keyboard+Mouse to Keyboard Only. Then you can do the following settings to your game:


WThrough Ball
ALob Pass/Cross/Header
SShort Pass/Header
QPlayer Run/Modifier
ZFinesse Shot Modifier
CProtect Ball
UP ARROWUpward Movement
DOWN ARROWDownward Movement
LEFT ARROWLeft Movement
RIGHT ARROWRight Movement
FSwitch Camera [GK Only]
KAttacking Tactics
LDefensive Tactics
1Up Movement (Skill/Right-Stick)
3Left Movement (Skill/Right-Stick)
2Down Movement (Skill/Right-Stick)
4Right Movement (Skill/Right-Stick)


WRush GK (Hold Down)
ASlide Tackle
DTackle/Push or Pull (while chasing)
QChange Player
ZTeammate contain
UP ARROWUpward Movement
DOWN ARROWDownward Movement
LEFT ARROWLeft Movement
RIGHT ARROWRight Movement
FSwitch Camera [GK Only]
KAttacking Tactics
LDefensive Tactics
1Up Movement (Skill/Right-Stick)
3Left Movement (Skill/Right-Stick)
2Down Movement (Skill/Right-Stick)
4Right Movement (Skill/Right-Stick)

FIFA 23 keyboard controls

How To Fix Keyboard Controls Not Saving for FIFA 23

If your keybind keeps resetting for some reason, I have a couple of tips on how to fix that issue. I was also facing the same issue with my game and I managed to fix it with the given methods.

ALSO READ:  FIFA 23: How To Get Angel Di Maria OTW And Complete SBC

After you are done with your keybinds, press ESC and a window should pop up saying if you want to save the settings and which slot you want to save them on. I recommend that you save it to any “<empty>” slot there. They will be names SLOT A, B, C, or D depending on where you save them.

save slot fifa 23

As you can see I already have it saved as CUSTOM D. You can save it in any empty slot. The main thing to note here is that you have to go out, and then back in, and save it once again. This fixes a lot of saving issues for me.

Also, you should see two arrows above the screen as shown down below:

Custom D

If you press your arrow keys on the keyboard, this changes from CUSTOM options to Alternate, Classic, and Two Button options as well. Make sure that yours is set to CUSTOM so that your game always uses the CUSTOM binds that you have set. If by any chance this changes, change it back to custom and exit.

Some more tips I would give here are to Save your FIFA profile before exiting, NOT USE Mouse at all if you want to play with the keyboard only, and save the settings 2 to 3 times to avoid any saving glitches or bugs.

The above tips have saved me a lot of time and problems regarding the binds not saving. Also, let me know how you are enjoying the keybinds if you have applied them to you settings. Stay posted with the website for more FIFA 23 content and drop a comment below if you are facing any issues. Thanks for dropping by!

Last Updated on September 27, 2022

6 thoughts on “FIFA 23 – Best Keyboard Controls and How To Change on PC”

    1. If you want to control your goalie, you can do that by pressing “W” according to my settings. As for making him take a corner, I have not tried that part yet. Open the list of players you can change by pressing “RT” and see if the goalie comes up there.

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