How to Assign Crew to Ships, Stations, and Outposts in Starfield

How to Assign Crew to Ships, Stations, and Outposts in Starfield – Starfield is an expansive game that takes players on an interstellar journey through uncharted space. One of the most critical aspects of this adventure is assembling and assigning a competent crew to your starship and outposts. This guide will provide detailed instructions on assigning crew members to your ship and outposts, ensuring you make the most out of your cosmic odyssey.


How to Assign Crew to Ships, Stations, and Outposts in Starfield

Assigning Crew to Your Ship in Starfield

Recruitment and Acquisition: In your early missions in Starfield, you will acquire your first crew members, such as Vasco and Sarah Morgan, as part of the main quest line. Additionally, depending on your character’s choices during character creation, you may encounter the Adoring Fan.

Accessing the Crew Menu: To assign crew members to your ship, open the main menu and navigate to the ship submenu located in the bottom left corner. Press the Y button to enter the “Crew” screen.

Selecting Crew Members: In the “Crew” screen, you will find a list of your available crew members. They may have various skills and abilities, so choose wisely. Select the crew member you want to assign by highlighting their name and then press the A button.

Assigning Crew: A submenu will appear after selecting a crew member, allowing you to assign them to your ship. The number of crew members you can give to your ship depends on your Ship Command skill rank and the capacity of your ship.

Consider Skills: Consider the unique skills of each crew member when assigning them. Some crew members may excel in combat, while others may be better suited for managing your ship’s systems or handling diplomatic interactions.

Assigning Crew to an Outpost in Starfield

Selecting a Habitable Planet: To assign crew to an outpost, you must first find and settle on a habitable planet. While on the planet’s surface, press LB to open your scanner and place an Outpost Beacon by pressing the X button.

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Multiple Outposts: You have the option to establish numerous outposts in Starfield. This means you can strategically allocate your crew members to different locations throughout the galaxy.

Building Crew Stations: Once you’ve established an outpost, you’ll need to build a crew station within it to accommodate your crew. Constructing a crew station requires two iron, five aluminum, and three nickel, so ensure you have gathered these resources.

Reaccessing the Crew Menu: Open the main menu, select the ship submenu in the bottom left corner, and press the Y button to access the “Crew” screen.

Assigning Crew to Outposts: In the “Crew” screen, select the crew member you want to assign to an outpost by highlighting their name and pressing the A button. A submenu will appear, displaying all your available outposts. You can assign a crew member to an outpost if a crew station is built there.

Expansion and Upgrades: If you wish to have more crew members assigned to an outpost, you’ll need to build additional crew stations and improve your Outpost Management skill. By reaching the third rank in this skill, you can assign additional crew members to an outpost, expanding your influence in the cosmos.

In conclusion, assembling and assigning the right crew to your ship and outposts in Starfield is essential for a successful and enjoyable gaming experience. Be mindful of crew skills, ship capacity, and outpost management as you explore Starfield’s vast, mysterious universe.

Last Updated on September 17, 2023

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