Madden NFL 22 | Best Game Options Settings to Use

The latest addition to the Madden Franchise is the NFL 22 which is already released on the market. This edition features a lot of new additions to the game.

All-new features in Franchise include staff management, enhanced scenario engine, and weekly strategy. Unified progress also promises a lot of flexibility in sharing data. In this years’ NFL 22 Ultimate Team, adjust Superstar X-Factors at halftime and watch them do work!

If you want to maximize your playstyle in this game, you need to set up the game options properly. That is where this guide comes into play.

Here, I will show you some of the best settings you can do in the game options to make your time in the game worthwhile. It will also help you in improving the game. Check it out.

Best Game Options Settings To Use in Madden NFL 22

Madden NFL 22 guides and tips

The In-Game Options Settings

To initiate this, go to the settings tile, which should be at the right-most corner of the screen, and select the game options to change/tweak them as per your liking. Let me first show you the settings, then I will explain that in detail to make the concepts clear.

Favorite TeamCOWBOYS
Offensive PlaybookDET. – D. CAMPBELL
Defensive Playbook46
Even TeamsOFF
NFL Live PlaybooksOFF
Quarter Length4 MINUTES
Play ClockON
Accelerated ClockON
Minimum Play Clock Time25 SECONDS
Coin Toss First ChoiceKICK
Coin Toss Second ChoiceWITH WIND
Auto Flip Defensive Play CallON
Defensive Ball HawkON
Defensive Heat Seeker AssistOFF
Defensive Switch AssistOFF
Coach ModeOFF
Player Speed Parity Scale50

Madden NFL 22 2

Madden NFL 22 1


Playbooks and general settings

The Favorite Team is totally optional and you can pick whichever your best team is. This does not matter that much in these options. For Playbooks, I would suggest you check the current status of the NFL in real, and decide on the basis of that.

In my opinion, the Detroit Lions’ playbook is a strong lineup currently, especially in the offense. Hence I select that. Match this up with 46 defense, and you have yourself a strong balance of the team in the current state of the game.


ALL-MADDEN should be your go-to difficulty for the game level. It will help you practice at a consistent pace without much difference in plays. Keep the game style in COMPETITIVE if you are looking to practice for online matches.

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This is preferred by most players, and I will also recommend that same. This will help you a lot in improving the game in practice modes and drills.

Clock Management

Take the quarter length down to 4 minutes for a balance of speedy plays and good practices. This is optional so you can adjust this one to your likings.

Put the Minimum Play Clock Time to the maximum (25 s) to avoid those run-offs from the accelerated clock settings.

Coin Toss

Put the first choice for the coin toss to KICK and the second choice to WITH WIND. These choices are only available for the first half of the game.

I found these two to be the best conditions for myself. Hopefully, this tip will help you as well so do try these out.

Gameplay Helpers

If you want the AI to flip your defensive play since you need the most control on your teams, turn the Auto Flip Defensive Play Call to ON. Defensive Ball Hawk should also be turned ON. That is because you need your controlled defensive units to attack the ball aggressively.

If you turn off this option, they would not attack the ball with much aggression. Turn the rest of them off since the impact on the AI for these settings is less significant.

Player Sliders

If you make Injuries 0, that means that there will be no injuries endured by the players. I like the real feel while playing the game so I keep this to 10. I keep the fatigue to 50 for balanced gameplay.

The last part is the Player Speed Parity Scale. This helps to determine the speed of players. The more the speed, the less is the distance between the fastest and the slowest player. To keep a realistic and good feel to the game, I keep this to 50 for a balanced experience.

That would be all from me for this guide on the best game options settings for MADDEN NFL 22. Let me know your preferences, and how you are enjoying the game, in the comments below.

I am also open to suggestions, queries, and guide requests, so let me know via the same method. Thanks for reading!

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Last Updated on November 5, 2024

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