NARAKA: BLADEPOINT – Best PC Graphics Settings

This will be a NARAKA: BLADEPOINT Best Graphics Settings guide. These best settings will make sure you can run the game at decent framerates. NARAKA: BLADEPOINT is a 60-player action Battle Royale offering players decent mobility.

naraka bladepoint guides

NARAKA: BLADEPOINT Best Graphics Settings for PC

If you are running on low or entry-level systems, read the full best settings guide for Naraka Bladepoint, and take a good read of the conclusion to know more.

These will be the Naraka Bladepoints’ best graphics settings for the system specs I have shown below.

NARAKA: BLADEPOINT Best In-game Graphics settings

These will be the main settings you need to change for NARAKA: BLADEPOINT for the most FPS you can churn out of it. Make sure you check the minimum system settings as well to be safe:

Graphics OptionsBest SettingsRemarks
Graphics APIDirectX 11NA
Render Scale100%Keep this at 100% for a smoother experience and FPS
Display ModeFullscreenFullscreen unless you want to experiment with it
Resolution1920×1080 (OR Native)Resolution will always be native unless you are running an entry-level system
Max Framerate120 (Or the Native Refresh rate of the monitor)120 for me or your monitor’s native refresh rate
HDROffThis should be turned OFF
VsyncOffKeep this ON if facing lots of FPS fluctuations
Antialiasing AlgorithmOffAntialiasing off for more framerates
Checkboard RenderingOffThis will also be off
NVIDIA DLSSSuper PerformanceSince this is a BR game, more the performance the better the gameplay
NVIDIA ReflexReflex+BoostedReduces input latency at the cost of some fps. Required if you take Bladepoint seriously.
HighlightsOffThis is optional. Can take up some resources.
GraphicsPut this on Low for PvP GameplayFor BR gameplay, low is the best option to go for here

System Requirements for NARAKA: BLADEPOINT

Make sure you meet the minimum system settings for Naraka Bladepoint to make sure you are fine from your side:


  • OS: Windows 10 64-bit
  • Processor: Intel i5 4th generation or AMD FX 6300 or equivalent
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750TI or equivalent
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 20 GB available space
  • Additional Notes: a) Can run at 720p/60fps; b) We advise you to install the game on an SSD for a more streamlined experience.


  • OS: Windows 10 64-bit
  • Processor: Intel i7 7th generation or equivalent
  • Memory: 16 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6G or equivalent
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 20 GB available space
  • Additional Notes: a) Can run at 1080p/60fps; b) We advise you to install the game on an SSD for a more streamlined experience.
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PC Specs Used To Test

These are the personal system settings I used to test the best settings for Naraka Baldepoint:

  • OS – Windows 10 64Bit
  • GPU – RTX 2060
  • CPU – I7 4790k
  • RAM – 32GB DDR4

The game was tested for 60FPS @1080p for most parts.

NVIDIA Control Panel Settings

I am only listing the control panel settings for NVIDIA since I use it personally. if you need the AMD panel settings as well, do let me know in the comments below:

Featured OptionsBest Settings
Image SharpeningOff
Antialiasing – Gamma CorrectionOff
Anisotropic FilteringOff
Antialiasing ModeOverride any application Settings
Antialiasing Setting2x
Background Application Max FramerateOff
CUDA – GPUsUse Global Settings (All)
Low Latency ModeOff
Max FramerateOff
Multi-Frame Sample AA (MFAA)Off
OpenGL Rendering GPU*Your Graphics Card*
Power Management ModePreferred Maximum Performance
Shader CacheOff
Texture Filtering – Anisotropic Sample OptionOff
Texture Filtering – Negative LOD BiasAllow
Texture Filtering – QualityQuality
Texture Filtering Trilinear OptimizationOff
Threaded OptimizationOff
Triple BufferingOff
Vertical SyncOff
Virtual-Reality Prerenderred Frames1

NOTE: You should do this only for the game program and not the global settings. Also, set the control panel settings to max performance first.

Results and Tips for more FPS

As you can see from the above settings, I have kept the graphics to the lowest possible one. That is only because an online PvP like NARAKA: BLADEPOINT is meant to be played at the highest framerates possible to get an edge over the opponent.

If you want, you can dial up the textures to medium, and ambiance settings to on. Since this game is demanding entry-level systems (1050TI, 1660, 1650 super, etc), your best option would be to be on the safe side.

Let me know your thoughts on this as well. Comment down to let me know about your issues/queries regarding the game. Thanks for dropping by!

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Last Updated on May 24, 2024

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