V Rising: How to Migrate Game Save to Dedicated Server

If you’re a V Rising player and looking for ways to migrate your existing game save to a dedicated server, we have you covered. Here’s what you need to know about migrating game saves to dedicated servers in V Rising. 

V Rising Settings for Private Servers

Migrate Existing Save Files to a Dedicated Server in V Rising

Steam user ‘taiaha’ has come up with an innovative solution to migrate your existing game saves to a dedicated server. You can check out their detailed guide here.

How To Create The Private Server Folder

First, you have to create a server save folder. To do so, follow these steps:

  • Go to your Server Folder (steamapps\common\VRisingDedicatedServer) and type ‘cmd’ into the address bar at the top to open the directory in the command prompt.
  • Run ‘VRisingServer.exe -persistentDataPath exampleFolder’ where ‘exampleFolder’ is the name of the dedicated server save folder.
  • Hit Ctrl+C once this runs to close the server.

How To Migrate Private Save Folder

Now, you’re all set to Migrate the private save folder. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to ‘serverFolder\exampleFolder\Saves\v1\privateSaveFolder’ and copy the private save file.
  • [The private save folder can be accessed using ‘%appdata%\..\LocalLow’\AppData\LocalLow\Stunlock Studios\VRising\Saves\v1\example-file-name (i.e: a181f3c3-f56b-4bf6-b003-44230d21abd5)]
  • Open the private save file that you copied and change the ServerHostSettings.json ‘Name’ field to match the name of the Dedicated Server. 
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Setting Dedicated Server To Use Correct Folder

Now all you have to do is set the dedicated server to use the correct save folder. Follow these steps:

  • Go to SettingsFolder\ServerHostSettings.json and change the SaveName field to the name of your privateSaveFolder (i.e: a181f3c3-f56b-4bf6-b003-44230d21abd5)

[Settings folder can be found at ‘steamapps\common\VRisingDedicatedServer\VRisingServer_Data\StreamingAssets\Settings’]

The final step you have to perform is to copy the following code, replace the data path with the name you chose, and save this file as ‘start.bat’. Once done, you can double click this to run with the persistentDataPath you chose.


@echo off

set SteamAppId=1604030

echo "Starting V Rising Dedicated Server - PRESS CTRL-C to exit"

@echo on

VRisingServer.exe -persistentDataPath .\[replace this with your savefolder name]

That’s everything you need to do in order to migrate your existing saves to a dedicated server in V Rising. 

Last Updated on February 4, 2024

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