Destiny 2: How To Earn Flamekeeper Title

The Solstice of Heroes is fully underway for Destiny 2with a week already gone by. The new additions of Event Card, Titles, Seals, and the Bonfire Bash have all been new.

Bungie has also added some new weapons, or the returning ones done with major rework and upgrades. One of the titles in the summer event is the Flamekeeper. As with every other one, it is only available till August 9.

Given the complexities in earning the Flamekeeper title, the following guide will help players in knowing all about the new addition and how to go about it. 

Destiny 2 - Flamekeeper Title

Destiny 2: All about the Flamekeeper

As is the case with every title in the game, players have to finish Event Triumphs in order to unlock Flamekeeper. There are a total of 24 such Triumphs, meaning you really have to focus on finishing them quickly as the Event is around three weeks itself.

However, the benefit of the Triumphs is that players only have to complete each of them only once. They do not have to do it multiple times based on characters.

Furthermore, you will be earning Kindling and Event Tickets as rewards from completing Triumphs as you go. Kindling will be necessary in upgrading your armor, alongside Silver Leaves and Silver Ash.

However, players should make sure to have both Triumphs and Event Challenges, as they are not mutually paired. Therefore, grabbing each of them will be necessary. 

Destiny 2 - Flaming Title Triumph

Once players are done with the Celebrating Solstice quest, you will find all the Secret Triumphs. Each of them have a details on what needs to be accomplished.

Try and keep the Candescent armor for as many as possible. This is because wearing it will benefit players in earning Silver Leaves or Silver Ash, which will be needed as you make headway in the event. Thus, it is never a bad decision to have a headstart in any way possible. 

Destiny 2: All the Event Triumphs 

  • Bashing Success: Finish the Bonfire Bash activity
  • Like Wildfire: Beat targets anywhere in the system. You will earn more progress for beating Guardians
  • Good Ignite: Beat Ignition Carriers in the Bonfire Bash
  • Fires of Competition: Finish matches in Crucible or Gambit playlists to get 25 Silver Leaves
  • Torch the Taken: Eliminate Taken in the Bonfire Bash
  • Fuel for the Fire: Stoke the burning fire in the Bonfire Bash
  • All Around the Bonfire: Finish the Bonfire Bash activity against all combatant races (Cabal x2, Hive x2, Fallen x2)
  • Fuel for the Fire II: Stoke 100 fires in the Bonfire Bash
  • A Spark in the Dark: Complete Sever missions or rounds of Altars of Sorrow to earn Silver Leaves
  • Fuel for the Fire III: Stoke 150 fires in the Bonfire Bash activity
  • Pyromania: Eliminate enemies with Solar abilities
  • Ash Tray: Earn 500 Silver Ash
  • Superlative: Beat enemies with Super abilities
  • Fire Power: Defeat enemies or stopping Guardians with Power weapons
  • Forged in Flame: Beat 100 Guardians opponents in any activity
  • Hand Lighter: Eliminate targets with Hand Cannons
  • Shotgun Solstice: Defeat enemies with Shotguns
  • Raking the Coals: Finish playlist activities to earn Silver Leaves
  • Solstice Jubilee: Finish Public Events on any destination to get Silver Leaves
  • Lamplighter: Complete Patrols on any destination to get Silver Leaves
  • Burn Them Down: Defeat bosses anywhere in the system
  • Dare to Dream: Finuish runs of the Blind Well or Dares of Eternity to get Silver
  • In the Hot Heat: Finish activities within the Throne World to earn Silver Leaves
  • Leaves 
  • Brightfall: Complete Vanguard Ops or Nightfalls to earn Silver Leaves
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Thus, that is all players have to know regarding getting the Flamekeeper title. It is a tedious task as compared to other challenges, but the satisfaction of completing them all is great. A bonus is that players will also be getting work done to upgrade their armor in the game too, 

Last Updated on March 7, 2024

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