Destiny 2: How To Get Targeted Redaction and God Roll

One of the most sought-after Hand Cannon in D2 has been the Targeted Redaction introduced in the Season of the Deep. It has a 120 RPM, an Aggressive Frame, and is excellent for PvP combat, with PvE not behind either. That is why players must know how to get the weapon and the god roll for it, which we discuss in the following guide. 

Destiny 2 – How to get the Targeted Redaction and God Roll

As expected, players must participate and play through the newly introduced Seasonal Activities of Salvage and Deep Dive. This is the way to get the chance of the weapon dropping and is similar to the procedure followed for Rapacious Appetite and others. While there will be some time for the weapon to drop, after you have it, even one copy, you can get it back to the H.E.L.M. and start focusing on it. 

After players have the Deep Weapon Focusing buff, they can begin the process. Getting the buff requires players to get going through Salvage a few times. You will have to have four Deep Engrams and while it may seem a lot, the power and efficiency of the Hand Cannon will offset the price. You can also craft this weapon by having five Deepsight versions. 

Destiny 2 - Season of the Deep - Targeted Redaction Deep Engram

Here are the basic stats of the Targeted Redaction Hand Cannon: 

  • Range: 56
  • Handling: 26
  • Impact: 92
  • Stability: 23
  • Recoil: 99
  • Magazine: 8
  • Origin Trait: Unsated Hunger

Destiny 2: Season of the Deep – What are the best god rolls for Targeted Redaction Hand Cannon


Regarding the barrel of the Hand Cannon, we are going for an Arrowhead Brake with increased Handling (+10) and Recoil (+1). We recommend Accuried Rounds for the +10 range.

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The two perks we have gone for are Outlaw and Explosive Payload. Outlaw will significantly reduce your reloading time as your land precision hits, which is of great help since Hand Cannons are very accurate. Destabilizing Rounds will have your final blows to make the targets around act more dangerous. 

Destiny 2 - Season of the Deep - Targeted Redaction stats


For the PvE environment, we have gone with Corkscrew Rifling, as that will elevate your Range (+5), Handling (+5), and Stability (+5). We have chosen Accurized Rounds as the ammunition since they will significantly enhance the Range (+10).

The third perk we have selected is Triple Tap since it will give you back a round of magazines after quickly hitting precision strikes of three in a row. The final perk we have gone for is Destabilizing Rounds again since it will create an environment of danger that will benefit you in the long run. 

Thus, that is all the information players will need regarding the Targeted Redaction Hand Cannon. It will be a massive boost for players when they want to get out of a jam as it will blast the enemies present around you all ends up.

Follow our Destiny 2 page for all the latest updates, guides, news, and fixes about the Season of the Deep. 

Last Updated on January 7, 2024

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