Destiny 2: What Is The Exotic Mission Rotator

There are a lot of exotic missions in Destiny 2 that go missing over time due to the Destiny Content Vault. However, Season 22 is set to launch the Exotic Mission Rotator, with players experiencing some of the best old missions and greater rewards. These missions keep changing every week, and the following guide will help players understand when they arrive and what rewards to earn.

Destiny 2: What Is The Exotic Mission Rotator

For players wondering what the exotic mission is this week, it is given as follows:

  • Raid: Presage
  • Power level: 1800
  • Need: Lightfall
  • Location: Legends tab
  • Rewards: Dead Man’s Tale

Several weapons are available for players with every Exotic mission, which is why they are so popular. Like the missions, the weapons also keep changing every week, and this week, here are the weapons for you:

Hollow DenialSpecialBeyond LightAdaptivePresage
Without RemorseSpecialBeyond LightLightweightPresage
AustringerPrimaryBeyond LightAdaptivePresage
Tears of ContritionPrimaryBeyond LightPrecisionPresage
CALUS Mini-ToolPrimaryBeyond LightMIDA SynergyPresage
BelovedSpecialBeyond LightAdaptivePresage
Dead Man’s TalePrimaryBeyond LightExoticPresage
FirefrightPrimaryBeyond LightPrecisionPresage
Nezarec’s WhispererSpecialBeyond LightAdaptivePresage
Bump in the NightHeavyBeyond LightAggressivePresage
Drang (Baroque)PrimaryBeyond LightPrimaryPresage

Destiny 2 - Presage

There is also the armor set for this week, which is Eidolon Pursuant from Presage and launched in Season 17. It has the previews for Warlock, Titan, and Hunter. You can only get them if you have The Witch Queen or Season of the Risen.

The primary role of the Exotic Mission Rotator will be to churn out missions that players can find as they play the game. It sets up the missions as a playlist. It has a single mission every week and gives special rewards every Tuesday.

Players will get three missions through the Exotic Mission Rotator right now:

  • Vox Obscura
  • Presage
  • Operation: Seraph’s Shield

What are the rewards from Exotic Mission Rotator

Players are thought to have at least one powerful or pinnacle drop every week. You may also have reworked master stuff and more progress for the Xenology quest, but it is not confirmed. Given the three missions listed above, their unique exotics are present now.

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Revision ZeroPrimaryThe Witch QueenExoticOperation: Seraph’s Shield
Dead Man’s TalePrimaryBeyond LightExoticPresage
Dead MessengerSpecialThe Witch QueenExoticVox Obscura

Operation: Seraph’s Shield

It is a miniature version of the Deep Stone Crypt raid launched in Season of the Seraph. You must go to a Braytech orbital platform atop the Last City to remove the Fallen forces. No timer is involved so you can do this in a relaxed nature.

Destiny 2 - Revision Zero

Revision Zero is the unique Exotic weapon that is your reward. You will be firing a two-round burst, four-round burst, and even sniper shots, so you are all set in many ways, along with being craftable.


It came out with the Season of the Chosen in early 2021 and is a horror-themed mission. You must make your way through a mysterious Cabal ship packed with Scorn forces. Players choosing the normal difficulty will have no timer, and you will have a great time exploring. The exotic scout rifle, Dead Man’s Tale, can be crafted and gotten from Presage.

Vox Obscura

It launched with the Season of the Risen, where you have to attack a Cabal bunker on Mars along with your team. It has fewer mechanics than the previous two missions but is timed. You will get Dead Messenger and the exotic wave frame grenade launcher that can use three Light elements to be perfect for tasks with enormous elemental shield density.

Destiny 2: What are the other missions coming back?

There has been news of Zero Hour coming back alongside Harbinger and The Whisper. Players must be patient when getting the missions since it is a long process, as Season 22 will run till November 2023.

Thus, that is all the information players will need regarding the newly added Exotic Mission Rotator. Given how much players love reliving the older, classic missions, it can become a big hit with time.

Last Updated on August 24, 2023

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