Stray: How To Find All Memories In The Sewers (Chapter 8)

The popularity of Stray has many facets, including the collectibles present in various levels. Players are loving the cat and his buddy B-12 as they journey together to find the former’s family.

You can help out your robot friend by finding memories for him across many of the Chapters. They will help fill in the gaps of B-12’s recollection of events which will be of great benefit as you progress in the game.

Therefore, it is clear that players have to find these memories and the following guide will help you in getting them in the Sewers (Chapter 8).

Stray - Sewer Memory Location

Stray: All about the Memories

There are two kinds of Memories in Stray – mandatory and optional. Here’s what you need to know about them:

  • Mandatory memories will become available as you make your way through the game
  • Optional memories have to be found in levels by the player and cannot be gotten automatically
  • Players can look in their “Memory” tab to find out whether you have a Memory on the current Chapter
  • A grey box means there is a Memory present and you can select it to get a little hint as to its location.

Coming to Chapter 8, the Sewers have two Memories. However, they are not easy to find and you will be locked out of getting them if you cross certain parts of the Chapter. Therefore, players have to careful in looking for them, otherwise you will have to restart again.

Stray: How to find the first Memory

The following are the steps to follow in order to get to the first Memory:

  • As you go on the boat ride with Momo, you will be safe to get the Memory
  • After leaving Momo, there is a hallway covered in eggs which you have to traverse before coming to another corridor to the left that also has eggs
  • Be careful as you make your way through this one as there are Zerks in them so you will have to eliminate them
  • After clearing out the area, there will be a pipe which you can go up on and come out into the open
  • There’s a railing present and just interact with it to get this Memory.
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Stray - Sewer Memory

Stray: How to find the second Memory

This Memory is tougher to get since the mechanics of the game will want to push you away from it. However, you can still locate it by following the below steps:

  • Once you come across the ‘eyes’ and cleared the rooms containing Zerks, you will lower down to a pipe
  • There are two paths to your left and right. The latter one is where the game is pointing you to go, as the former one is blocked by a long pipe
  • However, the memory is to the left path and look left again where there is a smaller pipe
  • Go towards this new pipe, cross barrels, and you will find another pipe resembling the one from the first Memory
  • You will reach an open area where there are the eyes from before and this is the place containing your final Memory.

Thus, that is all players have to know about locating the two Memories in the Sewers. It can be difficult to realize in the beginning, meaning players may have to redo again. However, it gets easier once you understand the paths well.

Last Updated on August 18, 2022

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