Stray: How Find Every Memory Location In Dead End

The ever-growing popularity of Stray has been a brilliant surprise for all involved. The gripping tale of following a beloved cat and his drone partner, B-12, as they journey across an unknown city.

Chapter 7 (Dead End) will have players searching for some memories of B-12 which will help him out. Therefore, players will have to roam around the location in order to pick all of them up.

In that regard, the following guide will help players in locating all the memory locations in the chapter.

Stray - Dead End Memory Locations

Stray: Looking for memories

All chapters in Stray have a minimum of one Memory, so players have already had some practice in finding them. Dead End has three Memories for you to locate for B-12.

However, players have to be careful while looking for them as the chapter closes off some paths due to progress. Therefore, you may have to do the Chapter again if this happens in the game.

Stray: Locating the first Memory

You will begin Dead End by promising to help out Seamus by looking for his father, Doc. However, the chance to get the first memory comes even before the title drop.

Players have to be really alert in grabbing it because if they miss it, there will be no do-over without restarting. Here’s how to do it:

  • Go down the path Seamus leads you to till you come upon a closed door with a shutter
  • It will be an easy task as this is the first time players can move to the left
  • The shutter will be the Memory and you have to interact with it to collect.
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Stray - Memory Location

Stray: Locating the second Memory

Once you have the first memory, there will moments of action regarding chasing and injury.

After you are healthy again, players will have to go up pipes, there will be a wire fence having a hole to your right. Here’s how to get to the second memory from there:

  • Make your way through the gap and you will find a lifeless robot beside water
  • It is the second Memory of the chapter, and interact with it to pick it up
  • However, be careful while going for this Memory because there is a different wire fence too, climbing onto which will stop you for retrieving the Memory.
Stray: Locating the third Memory

The last Memory of the Chapter is near Doc’s location. Here’s how to collect it: 

  • Make your way down the stairs and interact with the manikin
  • This is the Memory itself, which you can now pick up
  • However, make sure that you collect this before exiting Doc’s place the second time. Otherwise, you will be locked out of getting the Memory on the first try.

Thus, that is all players need to know about finding all the Memory Locations in Dead End. It can be a bit troublesome doing all of it together at one go in the beginning. However, players will be able to achieve it with relative ease soon enough.

Last Updated on August 17, 2022

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