Vampire Survivors: Tides of the Foscari – How To Evolve Eskizzibur Into Legionnaire 

Players of Vampire Survivors are rejoicing with the release of the Tides of Foscari DLC that includes a whole bunch of new stuff along with old. You will have access to as many as 13 weapons which can be evolved to even greater levels.

There are also new missions, items, puzzles, and areas to cover for players who have been replaying the original since they got their hands on it.

Legionnaire is one of the most coveted weapons in the Tides of the Foscari DLC and is the evolved version of Eskizzibur. In that regard, the following guide will help players turn Eskizzibur into Legionnaire.

Vampire Survivors: Tides of the Foscari – How to evolve Eskizzibur into Legionnaire 

There are three levels of evolving Eskizzibur into Legionnaire. Players must unlock and activate the Survivors called Eleanor Uziron and Maruto Cuts as playable before unlocking Eskizzibur, which will also get you Keitha Muort.

Finally, you can evolve Eskizzibur into Legionnaire in the game. 

Vampire Survivors: Tides of the Foscari – How to unlock and get Eleanor Uziron

Players must go to the Lake Foscari stage, where the Black Coffin must be unlocked. The Black Coffin will be present on the northwest side of the map in this stage.

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After getting to the Black Coffin, players must get on top of it and take down enemies as they appear. Once you are finished killing all the enemies, you will find the Black Coffin opening up, and Eleanor Uziron will be unlocked. 

Vampire Survivors - Tides of the Foscari - Lake Foscari

Vampire Survivors: Tides of the Foscari – How to unlock and get Maruto Cuts 

Players have to conjure the Spellstorm weapon, which can be done by intertwining the SpellStream, SpellStrike, and SpellString weapons together in a Union as you play in Eleanor Uziron mode.

Once the Union is complete, players must unlock the next Treasure Chest, which will turn on the evolution. 

Vampire Survivors: Tides of the Foscari – How to unlock Eskizzibur and evolve into Legionnaire

Once you have Maruto Cuts, players must survive 15 minutes on any of the maps as Maruto Cuts. Those of you who do not want to spend the real 15 minutes can speed up the process by switching on the Hurry Mode feature, which is present in the stage selection screen. 

Vampire Survivors - Tides of the Foscari - Legionnaire

After it gets unlocked, players can evolve Eskizzibur into Legionnaire by reaching the highest level, 8. Alongside this, the Armor passive item must also be taken to its max level of 5.

Nevertheless, players have to unlock the subsequent available Treasure Chest, which will, in turn, spark the animation of the evolution. 

Thus, that is all the information players will need regarding the Legionnaire weapon. It will be of great use once you have it in the game, so this is something that players can opt for as soon as they can. 

Last Updated on April 16, 2023

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