Amazing Cultivation Simulator | Best Reincarnator Start

In this short guide for Amazing Cultivation Simulator, we will show you a possible best reincarnator start. With Cao Cao, you can get a hat and 7 perks instead of 5. You can hire someone else later on to do the rest of the work. Alternatively, we have some suggestive tips to try out. Read on…

Best reincarnator start for Amazing Cultivation Simulator

List 1 (Build)

Here is the top list of webnovel listings:

  • Start with Xiao Yan and Lin Dong
  • take Cao Cao as Crafter
  • Pick Nalan Yanran as medic
  • on the 5th spot, you can pick as per your wish.
  • Sun Ce and Liu Bei are not recommended. Try to avoid picking them.

List 2 (Build)

  • Shenshen Ruye
  • Sun Yalong
  • Li Haoyu
  • Zhao Da
  • Yang Shu
  • Wang Laoju
  • Jing Xiang  – Female reincarnator
  • Qian Xiaoqian  – Female reincarnator
  • Qiu Si -female Tayi disciple
  • Zhangsun Shan  – Male Tayi disciple
  • Sui Wenyan  – Female Tayi disciple
  • Wenren Yu  – Male Tayi disciple

How to create your own Reincarnator

In this section, we show you how to create your own reincarnator. It can be done from scratch by using the realm palace then clicking content editor.
You can create your own character, weapon, or blueprint. Save it and then publish it in the workshop if you want to do so. You play it on local by clicking on owned. The name by default is Customise Reincarnator. There are some mods on the workshop in English for breaking balance with weapons if you do not want to do it yourself.

If you decide to go for workshop builds and guides, expect a short gameplay time. So use this method at your own discretion. Here is a Workshop Item for Amazing Cultivation Simulator if you want to use it:

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Here is an illustrative example of the mod after use while in-game:

Amazing Cultivation Simulator reincarnator start best vert

Can you rename Reincarnators?

The answer to this is NO. Unfortunately, you cannot rename the reincarnators in the game. But you do not need to worry about it in any way. What you can do is create new ones with your prefered names. To do that go to  the Main Menu -> Realms Palace -> Content Editor -> Create Reincarnators. That should set you on your way to creating new named ones for yourself.

How To Download Reincarnators?

To download them go to Main Menu -> Realms Palace -> Reincarnator. The names will be mostly in Chinese so take note of that. This is the default location for them: Settings/Npc/Reincarnate/reincarnate.txt. These names will also be in Chinese so ideally refer to a table or translater to get an idea of which one you are getting.

That is all we are sharing in this guide for the Best reincarnator start for the Amazing Cultivation Simulator. If you want to add to this or feel that it needs correction, leave your thoughts in the comments below. Thanks for reading and we will see you soon!

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Last Updated on November 5, 2024

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