Apex Legends Season 13: Guide On How To Best Play Newcastle

The new season of Apex Legends is already upon us. Season 13 is called “Saviors,” and the gameplay is set to take the game up several levels. Apart from a new Ranking System and changes to Storm Point, there has been a major new addition.

It is the introduction of a new Legend called ‘Newcastle.’ The trailer had already shown Newcastle in a never-before-seen kit, with players excited to get their hands on him.

Newcastle will present a different kind of challenge and excitement for the players with the Legend having a specialist zone. So, what does Newcastle offer, and what is the best way to play him in Apex Legends?

What does Newcastle have in store?

Newcastle is a total defensive game-changer. He provides some extremely interesting abilities that can be used in revolutionary ways. Like a true soldier, his ultimate goal is to always help his teammates.

Newcastle’s kit is not too shiny or glamorous, but his overall gameplay suggests that there is plenty to be encouraged about. Here are Newcastle’s full abilities, and what each of them does:

  • Mobile Shield (Tactical): Newcastle forms a floating shield whose movement and placement can be controlled by him.
  • Therefore, the Mobile Shield can be used in a whole variety of situations, including attack and defense. Moreover, given how mobile the shield is in its movement, players can come up with several plans on how to best use this ability. 
  • Retrieve the Wounded (Passive): Newcastle uses this special ability to truly show off his true helping nature. It takes its energy from the Knockout Shield so players should look to stock up on that.
  • The Revive Shield is present on Newcastle’s wrist and shields himself along with a partner from enemy attacks. Moreover, he will also help his partner in getting back healthy.
  • Castle Wall (Ultimate): The main ability of Newcastle which can be a literal wall for the enemies. Newcastle uses the customary shield that he carries and crashes it to the floor. Doing this brings up a mammoth wall right then, which helps his team regroup.
  • Furthermore, the enemies directly in front of the wall are killed, while others attempting to break through will be slowed. This ability also has another helpful bonus.
  • Whenever Newcastle will go after any specific enemy or enemies, his extra jump power comes supremely handy when players start to get overwhelmed. 


Apex Legends is trying to move away from its attacking nature, by introducing such a defensive character in Newcastle. Therefore, players should have a great time using him to the fullest.

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How to best play Newcastle in Apex Legends Season 13?

There are a lot of exciting ways how to best use Newcastle. Given his superior status as a defender and special abilities, players need to be wary of getting too offensive. Therefore, it is important to note that playing with Newcastle means you are not the primary attacker.

Your main concerns should be regarding the protection of your group’s overall health and safety. This is where the three special abilities come in handy. The Mobile Shield can be spawned anywhere when the group starts getting overwhelmed.

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Moreover, the big wall will be helpful when your team needs recovery time. So, do not forget to always stay alert to your team’s situation, and not go haywire in attack too much.

Make sure that you keep your Revive Shield ready. This is where Newcastle’s Knockout Shield will provide a major boost. Therefore, do not forget to keep collecting and keeping the best knockout shields during the game.

Newcastle will be of massive help to his teammates in this situation and can revive the wounded during sticky situations. Keep a plan B for when the Mobile Shield breaks since it will some time or the other.

Newcastle’s ability is a big deal since the shield can be placed anywhere in a battle, but opponents will focus on it. If it continues to take a beating, then it will eventually be destroyed. Make sure that the two parts of the Shield are well equipped before it dies. 

Newcastle Passive Ability Apex Legends Mobile Revive

Your Castle Wall is the best weapon out of all three. Players need to use it in an area of optimal usage. Newcastle can direct this on his teammates, so has a higher reach. The wall in itself is a very solid addition to your defensive capabilities.

Apart from clearing the immediate area of enemies, the wall is also electrified. Therefore, whenever enemies start charging, they will be stunned. This is where players should try and aim to pull enemies to the wall so they collide with it. After they are immobilized, finish them off much more easily. 

The final point is related to the well-being of Newcastle himself. Given how protection-based his abilities are, Newcastle will be fallible from the sides and back.

This is because most of Newcastle’s shields are aimed toward one direction during battles. Players have to be always alert to what is sneaking up behind them. Grenades will be one of the big sources of danger.

Players need to be watchful in what kind of positions they put the team and Newcastle in.

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Final thoughts

Newcastle will certainly provide a different level of gameplay than the other characters in Apex Legends. His creation is based on defense, which will give a necessary balance to your attacking options.

No doubt there will be more ingenious and creative ways of playing Newcastle in the future. However, players can make use of the above-mentioned guide to extract the best from Newcastle now. 

Last Updated on May 11, 2022

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