Golf Rival Wind Chart Complete Guide

In this guide, I will help you figure out how the Wind System works in the game and show you a possible wind chart for the same. Make sure to take careful notes. If you want to know the best Clubs in Golf Rival, check out my guide here to know more.

Golf Rival Wind Chart and Mechanics Explained

golf rival wind chart guide and tips

What are the Values and Meanings in the Wind Chart

As you may have already noticed, Golf Rival has a unique Wind mechanic in the game. The method to use this mechanic is to know how to use the Wind Chart in the game.

Ideally, you will begin to experience this mechanic starting from stage 2 and onwards. You will not experience that before this stage.

The game has a tutorial for this wind mechanic, but I think it does not show you enough so that you can grasp it perfectly. That is where this guide comes into play.

golf rival wind chart

The wind chart has a few parts to it that you should take note of. These will help you to read and fine-tune the shots later on. These mainly are:

  • The Arrow
  • Center Point
  • The Rings [White, Green, and Yellow]
  • Blocks [small blocks on the four sides of the wind chart]
  • The backside of the wind chart system

Types of Wind Charts

There are three types of wind charts in Golf Rival. They are:

  • White Wind Chart
  • Yellow Wind Chart
  • Green Wind Chart

Types of wind charts in golf rival

As I will show you in the next points, each wind chart has different values that you should take note of. These will determine the power at which you are about to hit the golf ball. Here is the value for each wind chart:


This is your long-distance gauge for fine-tuning shots using the wind system.

  • Center Point – 0
  • 1st Ring – 3
  • 2nd Ring – 6
  • 3rd Ring – 9
  • Block – 10


This determines the mid-range shots inside the wind system.

  • Center Point – 0
  • 1st Ring – 6
  • 2nd Ring – 12
  • 3rd Ring – 18
  • Block – 20

This is double the values of the white wind chart and rings.


Green is the short-range fine-tuning of shots using the wind system chart.

  • Center Point – 0
  • 1st Ring – 15
  • 2nd Ring – 30
  • 3rd Ring – 45
  • Block – 10

How Do We Use the Wind Chart

  • For White Wind Chart/Arrows/Rings

Here you should use the values I showed above. Ideally, while using a white arrow chart, use a value of 2.3-2.4 to hit your shots. This point is just before you reach the first ring. Change your camera to a Rearview so that the arrow is facing away from you. here is an example:

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Now pull the arrow back until it lines up with the hole, where the 2.4-2.5 value should be. It should look something like this:

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Note that your center should be the point where the golf ball will land. You can determine everything from that point onwards. The place where your golf ball lands is the value of 0 from where the wind chart will start to take effect.

  • For Yellow Wind Chart/Arrows/Rings

Adjust the power from 2.4 to 2.5 just like I showed above. Follow the same method as above and do not do anything fancy except for the basics that I showed you.

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Take careful note that you should hit the golf ball right at the center. Take note of where the ball lands, since this will be your Center Point. From this point onwards, adjust for the short using the same method as shown above.

  • For Green Wind Chart/Arrows/Rings

In the case of Green Rings, adjust for a value of 9.8. You can easily determine where 9.8-9.9 should be on the chart using the value table I have shown above.

It is the first ring, but the value for the shot has increased, so do not be detoured by these numbers. Again, do the same method of adjusting the camera for a back view first, then pull back the chart until it lines up to be 9.8-9.9.

Now hit the golf ball at the dead center to make sure it makes its way inside the hole.

Doing enough practice is essential to hit the perfect EAGLES and shots, so make sure you do enough practice to get a good grip of this chart.

How To Hit Non-Dunk Shots using The Wind Chart

You already learned in the above point how to use a wind chart to hit dunk shots. In this category, I will show you how you can hit non-dunk shots using the wind charts. You can use your gut instincts to determine the center of the hole.

But if you want to be sure of where the center is, download and install a crosshair from the Play Store. One example is the “Crosshair Hero App” in the Play Store. Simply download that, then launch the game.

Once you see that a tree or any other obstacle is hindering your view, first use the wind chart to determine where the hole might be. Then pinpoint the Center point using a Crosshair. Here is how it should look:

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Align it correctly with the center point of the wind chart to fine-tune the shot. Now take the rear-view as I showed above and pull back to a value of about 6.4-6.5. Now all you need to do is hit the ball at the perfect time to make the shot!

You can hit several shots using this method like bounce-ins, trick shots, and flag pole shots as well. Make sure you do enough practice so that you know how much value and line up to use for which distance.

For such types of shots, first, line up the shot so that the arrow shows that the ball will go in. Next, pull back the Chart to a value of 6.8

Next, you need to hit the golf ball perfectly and watch it sail in the hole perfectly. Make sure you are always using a top and back-end view for these charts. Otherwise, you can easily miss some shots as well.

That is all I am sharing in this guide on Using the Wind Chart in Golf Rival. If this guide has helped you out even a small bit, do mention that in the comments below. It helps us immensely in putting out more content.

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Last Updated on May 24, 2024

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