F1 22 is the newest talk of the town in the world of racing games. Released only a few days ago on 28th June, the title has managed to gain rapid popularity among fans of the genre worldwide.
With the constantly growing player base of F1 2022, a lot of newer players are also entering the world of Formula 1 racing video games. Many new players are often facing difficulties while playing through the game and are sometimes left confused about how to get faster in F1 22.
If you find yourself being stuck at a certain point or you’re simply looking to know about how to get even faster in F1 22, we have you covered. Here’s what you need to know about going fast in F1 22.
F1 22: How to Get Faster
Here are some useful tips to help you get faster in F1 22:
- Practice: You probably saw this coming, but the more you practice the more you can refine your skills in racing. Simply playing the game a lot can help you improve significantly while lack of practice can make even the fastest racers go slow.
- Turn Off Assists: This tip may seem counterintuitive to beginners, but experienced F1 22 players know that assists can actually take a toll on your speed in the game. Turn every driving aid off and drive your car manually to gain a noticeable boost in speed.
- Build a Good Setup: Building a good setup can be the difference between a good and a bad F1 22 player. You’re free to download the setups of more experienced players online when you’re doing Time Trials in F1 22, but make sure that you can handle it before implementing it yourself.
- Do Time Trials: Time Trials are an excellent way to get yourself familiarized with the courses while simultaneously challenging yourself to cross your limits. As mentioned earlier, it also enables you to copy the setups of the best racers across the globe, which is the cherry on top.
Last Updated on July 11, 2022

A computer science graduate by qualification, Zoid loves to keep himself updated with the latest gaming content related to PC, Android, and other platforms as well. Likes to keep his diet and health in check from time to time!