Nexomon: Extinction | Element Strengths and Weaknesses Guide

In this guide of Nexomon: Extinction, we will take a look at the Elements Effectiveness in the game. These Include Strengths and Weaknesses for the respective elements. Simply refer to the table for ease of reference.

If you wish to download Nexomon Extinction, you can do it from the official website: Steam Link | Google Play Link. If you want me to make a separate post on the mobile version for Nexomon Extinction, you can comment down below.

Want to know all the Tyrant Locations in Nexomon: Extinction? We have just the guide for you. Do check it out here.

Elements Strengths and Weaknesses (Effectiveness) in Nexomon: Extinction

Nexomon Extinction All Tyrant Locations Guide

  • This table and the image shows which element is good or bad against each other.
  • If an element is strong it means that the damage done is increased to 125%.
  • If an element is weak, it deals 65% of the actual damage.
Normal Ghost, Psychic
FirePlant, Wind, GhostFire, Water, Material
WaterFire, Material, GhostWater, Electric, Plant
PlantWater, Electric, PsychicElectric, Plant, Material
WindPlant, MaterialFire, Electric, Ghost
ElectricWater, Wind, PsychicElectric, Plant, Material
MaterialFire, ElectricWater, Wind, Psychic
GhostNormal, Wind, PsychicFire, Water
PsychicNormal, Electric, GhostMaterial, Psychic
Nexomon extinction elemntal chart


Element Types and Their Advantages (good/bad against)

In Nexomon Extinction, there are a total of 8 Types of elements you need to know about. Each of them has its own strengths and weaknesses as you can see from the chart and table above. Namely, they are:

  1. Fire Element Type
  2. Water Element Type
  3. Electric Element Type
  4. Plant Element Type
  5. Mineral Element Type
  6. Normal Element Type
  7. Ghost Element Type
  8. Psychic Element Type

What are the Elemental Type weaknesses [Strong/weak against]

  • Fire: Strong against wind, plant, and ghost types.
    • Weaknesses – The weakness for fire types are water and mineral
  • Water: Strong against fire and mineral types.
    • Weaknesses – Weakness for water types are plant and electric
  • Electric: Strong against water, psychic, and wind types.
    • Weaknesses – The weakness for electric types are mineral and grass
  • Plant (or grass): Strong against electric and water types.
    • Weaknesses – wind and fire are the weakness for plant type Nexomons
  • Mineral (or rock): Strong against electric, psychic, and fire types.
    • Weaknesses – The weakness for Mineral or Rock types are wind and water
  • Wind: Strong against mineral and grass types.
    • Weaknesses – electric and fire are the weak points for Wind type
  • Psychic: Strong against normal and ghost types.
    • Weaknesses – mineral and electric are dominant on Psychic-type Nexomons.
  • Ghost: Strong against normal and wind types.
    • Weaknesses – Ghost Types have their weakness against psychic and fire
  • Normal: Has no strengths against any type.
    • Weaknesses – The psychic and ghost are the weakness of Normal ones.
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Here is the Official Chart provided by the developers of Nexomon Extinction on their Facebook Page. Hope this helps you out in figuring the exact data for each elemental damage, their strengths, and weaknesses in the game:


NOTE: This post has been updated recently.

That will be all for this guide. Stick with us for more of such walkthroughs. Thanks for reading and we will see you in the next one! You can follow us on Twitter and drop a like on Facebook to get the latest update on guides for Mobile Games, PC Games, Fixes, and Settings.

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Last Updated on November 5, 2024

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