The Callisto Protocol | How To Use Toggle For Run/Aim

This guide shows you how to use toggle instead of hold for actions like Run or Aim (AHK script) in the game The Callisto Protocol. I used AutoHotKey to work around the fact that there isn’t a toggle for running/aiming in the game. Hopefully, the developers will include it in a future quality-of-life patch.

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How To Use Toggle For Run/Aim In The Callisto Protocol

The Codes

Create a new document in your preferred text editor (notepad++, notepad, etc.), then copy and paste the text into it.

For Run Toggle:

#IfWinActive TheCallistoProtocol

LShift:: KeyDown := !KeyDown

If KeyDown

SendInput {LShift down}

Else SendInput {LShift up}


For Aim Toggle:

#IfWinActive TheCallistoProtocol

RButton:: KeyDown := !KeyDown

If KeyDown

SendInput {RButton down}

Else SendInput {RButton up}


Make sure to save it as an.ahk file and save it someplace you can retrieve it quickly. Avoid saving it as a .txt file!

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How This Works

Your PC will be informed that the key is being held down if the desired key is pushed just once. It will be informed that the key has been released if the desired key is pushed once more.

Additionally, the script’s first line determines if the active window is the game window. As a result, the key only toggles when you are playing a game. Pressing the key will function normally if you alt+tab out of the game.

How You Should Use It

You will require AutoHotKey, a third-party application. Install it by downloading it from Google. It’s a well-known program that needs to be in any PC gamer’s toolbox. 

A green H icon should appear in your notification tray when you double-click the .ahk file you prepared and after it has been installed. It will reveal the name of the script if you mouse over it. You can edit it, reload the script, and leave the script if you right-click it. Now simply launch the game. 

The scripts I provided presuppose that Left Shift is used for Run and Right Click is used for Aim. For instance, since I use Shift to crouch, I use one of the side buttons on my mouse for Run, therefore my script looks like this:

#IfWinActive TheCallistoProtocol


KeyDown := !KeyDown

If KeyDown SendInput {XButton2 down}

Else SendInput {XButton2 up}


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Author’s Notes:

If you wish to use both the Run toggle and the Aim toggle, feel free to do so because you can execute multiple .ahk scripts at once. If you knew what you were doing, you could probably combine them into one script.

I strongly advise switching the default key for Run from Shift to another one. For this reason, the Steam overlay will open if you press Shift to toggle the shift key down to Run and then hit Tab to access your inventory.

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Remember to modify the three instances of “LShift” or “RButton” in the script to that key if you make the change in the game options. The AutoHotkey wiki can be accessed online at []. Even if the rebound key is not shifted, the Run toggle will deactivate in-game if you enter a cutscene or view your inventory.

However, AutoHotKey will still believe the Run key is held down, so you must press shift once again to reactivate the toggle. Then once more turn it back on in-game. If you crouch with Run on and then wish to Run out of crouch, you must first toggle Runoff by pressing Run once, followed by Run and forward.

Your computer will continue to believe the key is pressed even if you toggle Run on and then alt+tab out of the game. Toggle it off by pressing it once more, and it will act normally until you enter the game again.

Since I haven’t progressed far enough in the game to find an Aim-able weapon, I haven’t tested the Aim toggle as of the time of this writing. When I do obtain a gun, I probably won’t test it because I prefer to hold to Aim.

When you are playing the game, the script needs to be running. It doesn’t matter if you start it before or after the game begins. For this reason, you should save it in a location that is simple to find or add a shortcut to the script on the desktop next to the shortcut for the game.

Even if you close the game, the script will continue to run; to stop it, you must manually terminate the script. Exit can be selected by right-clicking the H in your notification tray. If you don’t want it to do anything while you’re playing the game, you can leave it running.

You can insert the following code below the #IfWinActive TheCallistoProtocol line if you want the script to automatically shut when you quit the game.

SetTitleMatchMode 2

WinWaitClose, TheCallistoProtocol


Thus, my whole, customized code appears as follows:

#IfWinActive TheCallistoProtocol

SetTitleMatchMode 2

WinWaitClose, TheCallistoProtocol



KeyDown := !KeyDown

If KeyDown SendInput {XButton2 down}

Else SendInput {XButton2 up}


To Run the script when doing this, though, the game must already be running. If not, it will start, discover that the game is absent, and stop.

This manual is incredibly long for such a basic script. I probably could have completed the task by simply pasting the code. So be it. I wanted it to look great because it’s my first guide on The Callisto Protocol. Thank you for reading and have a nice day!

Last Updated on December 6, 2022

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