V Rising How To Edit and Change Private Game Server Settings

In this guide, I am going to be talking about how to edit an existing Private Game multiplayer server settings in the game V Rising. So you don’t have to worry; I located the private game server settings for you.

V Rising Settings for Private Servers

How to change the settings of Private Game server in V Rising

There is no built-in server editing UI as of 5/17/2022.

How To Find And Edit The Primary Variables

You must update variables in the major shortlist if you want to change them (for example, clan size, game mode, and day duration). Even if the secondary variables contain some of the primary variables, it appears that the primary variables overwrite the secondary variables.

For example, changing clan size on the secondary list will not work because the primary list would overwrite it. Go to the specified location:

  • \AppData\LocalLow\Stunlock Studios\VRising\Saves\v1\<insert numbers here>

Notepad or Notepad + + can be used to open ServerGameSettings. Change the clan’s size. Take pleasure in your customized server settings. Try to guess which save is which if you have many saves because the numbers are created at random. You could always tell which was made more recently by looking at the date.

Also, Read – V Rising – How To Save Game and Respawn

How To Find And Edit The Secondary Variables

Everything that the primary doesn’t overwrite is on this list. For example, if you wish to increase the maximum number of borders/floors for each Blood Heart level, the maximum amount a stacked item can go up to (using percentages), or the speed at which a servant is transformed. This is your list.

  • Go to: Steam\steamapps\common\VRising\VRising_Server\VRisingServer_Data\StreamingAssets\Settings
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Notepad, ideally Notepad ++, is used to edit the ServerGameSettings.json file. Make sure no one (including yourself) is on the server before saving the modified ServerGameSettings after that take pleasure in your customized server settings.

Fixing Server Errors in V Rising

This section will be updated anytime someone sends me workarounds or if I discover and fix a problem myself. Please leave them in the comments section.

If you are looking to invite someone to a private game, they can go to Steam overlay, left-click you, and choose to join. You must be friends on Steam.

Alternatively, you can choose to modify the existing server by going to:

  • “C:\Users\Username\AppData\LocalLow\Stunlock Studios\VRising\Saves\”

Find the repertory for your server and modify the ServerGameSettings.json in this directory. If you can’t find the right parameter line, just add the line by copying it from:

  • Steam\steamapps\common\VRising\VRising_Server\VRisingServer_Data\StreamingAssets\Settings\ServerGameSettings.json

If you already have a private server and have made changes to the defaults, the locallow folder stores those changes (and only those changes).

If you didn’t save your modifications before, changing the file under the Steam folder will work, but it’s usually best to alter the locallow file to avoid it being overwritten by game updates.

Increasing your Clan size does not function in the path I provided, however it does work if you go to LocalLow to modify that version.

That concludes this guide on configuring the settings for private servers in V Rising. You can follow us on Twitter to get the latest update on guides for Mobile Games, PC Games, Fixes, and Settings.

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Last Updated on August 21, 2024

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