There are a lot of monsters, buddies, weapons, and gear in the Sunbreak DLC of Monster Hunter Rise. One of the most useful ones is the Twisted Stouthorn, a level 8 Rarity Monster Material.
They are used as a crafting material for a number of things in the game, and players need to get their hands on them soon. The following guide will help players in getting to know about the Twister Stouthorn and how to get it in the game.
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak – All about the Monster material
The Twisted Stouthorn is available from Master Rank Diablos. They are a Flying Wyvern that has a Threat Level 7. The Diablos are huge monsters who stalk the Sandy Plains in the game.
It can go underground, before reappearing from beneath to smack targets up into the air. Furthermore, there are also horns and a big tail on the Wyvern alongside the armour that makes this a tough battle.
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The good news is that Twisted Stouthorn is Broken Part Reward and you are sure to get it from the opponent’s horn. Therefore, the battle is all-important is understanding how to take down the big monster.
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak – How to get Twister Stouthorn
The Diablos do have not any Element, thought Fire will have no effect on it. Therefore, Flying Wyvern can be attacked through Water, Ice, and Dragon attacks.
Ice is the most effective of the three, so make sure you use plenty of them. The players have to focus on breaking the horns of the Diablo. For this, go for the Blunt damage from weapons which will work best. Some of the weapons that inflict this type of damage including Lance, Sword and Shield, Charge Blade, and also the Heavy Bowgun.
Nevertheless, the absolute best of the lot are Hammer and Hunting Horn. You should have one of these at the ready if you want to get the major upper hand in the battle. Furthermore, there is also the possibility of making a group together and attacking in bulk.
However, players have to be careful in handling the Hammer or Hunting Horn because they are slow. The monster is a formidable foe, so you have to be aware of his attacks and timing.
Hitting at the right moments will be key in taking down the Wyvern. The Twister Stouthorn is necessary to create a lot of items including:
- Diablos Mashers+ Dual Blades
- Diablazooka+ Heavy Bowgun
- Diablos Helm X
- Feud Hornsword+ Great Sword
- Diablos Vambraces X
- Sailor Suit Armor
- Draw Jewel+ 4 Decoration
Last Updated on July 11, 2022
A FIFA junkie who can also mix it up with Call Of Duty and racing games. GTA was his first love. Now can be found spending time between writing on what he plays and playing what he will write on.